Homeopathy: An Alternative to Traditional Medicine

Homeopathy is a gentle and effective way to treat a variety of illnesses. Unlike allopathic medicine, homepathy uses the body's curative powers to cure the patient.
By: Dr. Emmett Hughes
June 11, 2007 - PRLog -- Homeopathy-“Like Cures Like”
By Dr. Emmett Hughes
Huntington Health and Healing Center

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that was developed by a German physician, named Samuel Hahnemann.  While the idea of “like cures like” dates back to the Ancient Greek times, it was Dr. Hahnemann that set up a system of testing remedies and codifying the results of these tests or “provings”.

The idea of “like cures like” is similar to the idea of a vaccine.  By giving a person a tiny dose of something, it can bring about a cure of symptoms that they would develop if they were given that same substance in its full strength.  Dr. Hahnemann discovered this while translating texts on herbs (called Materia Medica) and saw that chinchona bark (which contains quinine), used to treat malaria, also caused the symptoms of malaria in healthy individuals that were not infected, but who took the medicine.  By diluting the medicine to a homeopathic dose, the medicine brings about a cure, rather than causing the symptoms of the disease.  This was the birth of Homeopathy as we know it today.

Over the next two hundred-plus years, thousands of remedies have been tested and codified, along with the symptoms that they produce.  This is used as the basis for treatments using homeopathy.

Homeopathy is a safe, natural alternative to traditional medicines.  Since the remedies are extremely dilute, there are virtually no side effects and the remedies don’t interfere with traditional medicines.  They are safe for infants, children, elderly and weakened individuals.

The list of ailments that can be treated using homeopathy is nearly endless; from psychological symptoms (anxiety, depression, fears, etc.) to physical complaints.  It treats not only acute problems, but also treats chronic conditions, even those thought to be refractory to traditional medical treatments.

Homeopathy can have a profound effect on the way a person feels, incorporating psychological and emotional symptoms, as well as physical symptoms.  The homeopath searches for the connection between all of the symptoms a person is experiencing, especially those that are peculiar.  Only then, can the person fully resolve the symptoms that they are experiencing and bring about a cure.

Over the past ten years of my clinical practice using homeopathic remedies, I have seen some amazing results.  The profound changes seen in patients is truly remarkable.  Homeopathy is a safe, effective, alternative treatment for a wide range of conditions, especially those that haven’t responded to traditional medical treatments.  

Dr. Emmett Hughes, a chiropractor, clinical nutritionist, and homeopath, practices full time as Clincal Director at Huntington Health & Healing Center in Huntington village.  He also teaches at the University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic and Human Nutrition Program.

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About Huntington Health and Healing Center:  We are a holistic health care center located in Huntington village.  We offer chiropractic, homeopathy, nutritional counseling, acupuncture, psychotherapy, and life coaching in a comfortable, serene office setting.  We are here to serve your alternative health care needs.

Website: www.huntingtonhealthandhealing.com

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