Oil & Gas Report Peru

The Peru Oil & Gas Report has been researched at source in 2006, and features latest available data and forecasts for Peru to end-2011 covering headline indicators for oil & gas, LNG, coal and power.
Oct. 14, 2007 - PRLog -- The Peru Oil & Gas Report has been researched at source in 2006, and features latest available data and forecasts for Peru to end-2011 covering headline indicators for oil & gas, LNG, coal and power; company rankings and competitive landscapes covering oil & gas exploration and production in Peru, refining, oil & gas distribution and fuels retailing; and analysis of latest industry developments, trends and regulatory issues within Peru.

Its Peruvian Oil & Gas Report provides professionals, consultancies, government departments, regulatory bodies and researchers with independent forecasts and competitive intelligence on the Peruvian oil and gas industry.

Key Benefits of Report

Benchmark Its Independent 5-Year Oil & Gas Industry Forecast for Peru to test consensus views - a key input for successful budgeting and strategic business planning in the Peruvian oil and gas market.

Target Business Opportunities & Risks in the Peruvian Oil & Gas Sector through reviews of latest industry trends, regulatory changes, and major deals, projects and investments in Peru.

Exploit The Latest Competitive Peruvian Oil & Gas Intelligence & Company SWOTS on your competitors and peers through company rankings by sales, market share and ownership structure - includes multi national and national companies in Peru.


Executive Summary
Summary of Its key forecasts and industry analysis, covering oil and gas reserves, supply, demand, refining, coal and power, and primary energy, plus analysis of landmark company developments and key changes in the regulatory environment.

Regional Overview
Regional perspective on size and value of industry sector; comparative rankings by production, refining, imports and exports; overview of industry landscape and key players; assessment of business operating environment and latest regulatory developments.

Business Environment Rankings
A unique comparative study undertaken by It on the relative business climates across all regional markets covered. A rankings table highlights the merits of each market from an investor angle, giving scores for indicators such as Oil & Gas Supply and Demand Growth, Oil & Gas Reserves, Licensing Framework and the local Competitive Environment, as well as Economic and Political Risk.

Oil Market Outlook
It analyses and forecasts oil prices out to 2011, monitoring supply and demand in terms of oil production and consumption across the region.

It 5-Year Industry Forecast
Historic data series and 5-year forecasts to end-2011 for all key industry indicators (see list below), supported by explicit assumptions, plus analysis of key downside risks to the main forecast, including:

Oil reserves (bn barrels), production, consumption, refinery capacity and throughputs (000 b/d)

Oil exports (000 b/d), value of oil exports (US$mn - It base case) - Oil price (US$/bbl, OPEC basket)

Value of oil exports at constant US$30/bbl and constant US$60/bbl (US$mn)

Proven gas reserves (tcm), production and consumption (bcm)

Gas exports/(imports) (bcm)

Value of gas exports/(imports) (US$mn); value of gas exports/(imports) at constant US$30/bbl and US$60/bbl (US$mn)

Value of petroleum exports (US$mn); value of petroleum exports at constant US$30/bbl and US$60/bbl (US$mn)

It 5-Year Macroeconomic Forecast
It forecasts for all headline macroeconomic indicators, including real GDP growth, inflation, fiscal balance, trade balance, current account and external debt.

Competitive Landscape & Rankings
Comparative company analyses and rankings by US$ sales, % share of total sales, number of employees, year established, market cap/NAV, ownership structure, oil production (‘000 b/d) and % market share, downstream capacity (‘000 b/d) and % market share.

Company Profiles & SWOTS
Company profiles, including SWOT analyses, senior executives and full contact details, business activity, products and services, foreign direct investments and projects.

Executive Summary

The Sector At A Glance

Key Insights On The Oil & Gas Sector Of Peru

The latest Peru Oil & Gas Report from It forecasts that the country will account for 2.1% of Latin America regional oil demand by 2010, while providing 0.9% of supply. Latin America regional oil demand rose to an estimated 6.87mn b/d last year and should average 7.01mn b/d in 2007, before reaching 7.60mn b/d by 2010. Production of an estimated 10.97mn b/d last year is set to reach 11.52mn b/d by the end of the decade. Latin America gas consumption in 2006 was an estimated 183bcm, with demand of 253bcm targeted for 2010. Production last year of an estimated 191bcm should reach 255bcm by the end of the forecast period. Peru isn’t a significant regional gas consumer, although its share of production is forecast to rise from last year’s estimated 1.6% to 2.0% by 2010.

For 2007, the revised It forecasts are for the OPEC basket to average US$55 per barrel. Based on last year’s typical price differentials, this implies Brent at US$58.72, WTI averaging US$59.94/bbl, and Urals at US$55. Our central view is therefore that the OPEC basket price will slip from US$55/bbl this year to US$50 in 2008, before settling around US$45/bbl in 2009/2010. Should OPEC defend successfully our presumed ‘target’ price of US$55/bbl during the challenging months of 2007, then it is reasonable to assume medium-term prices may surprise on the upside.

Peruvian real GDP growth is forecast by It at 4.3% for 2007, down from an estimated 7.5% in 2006. We are assuming 4.7% growth in 2008, followed by 4.8% in 2009 and 4.6% in 2010. We are assuming oil and gas liquids production of no more than 90,000b/d by 2011, with the country expected to pump 110,000b/d this year. Consumption is forecast to increase by around 3% per annum to 2011, implying demand of 166,000b/d by the end of the forecast period. The import requirement would therefore be approximately 76,000b/d by 2011. Gas production is forecast to increase from last year’s estimated 2.5bcm to 9bcm over the period, with net exports of up to 6bcm by 2011.

In the It Business Environment Ranking matrix, Peru receives a slightly lower composite score of 38, which continues to rank the country third out of nine states included in the Latin America region. The overall business environment can be considered fairly attractive in a regional context, thanks largely to above-average hydrocarbons growth potential and reserves to production ratio (RPR) offsetting mid-range scores for competitive environment and licensing framework.

For more information kindly visit : http://www.bharatbook.com/detail.asp?id=18698

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Tags:Oil Gas Report Peru
Industry:Oil gas
Location:Navi Mumbai - Maharashtra - India
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