Tooth Whitening Product Sellers In Disarray! Somebody Is Leaking Their Jealously-Guarded Secrets...

The tooth whitening industry is abuzz with rumors of information leaks. Who exactly is this pesky "Jaslene Thomas" character who is single-handedly wrecking havoc to their billion-dollar industry?
Dec. 27, 2007 - PRLog -- The tooth whitening industry is abuzz with rumors of information leaks, and scratching their heads over the identity of the lone consumer rights activist who is single-handedly wrecking havoc to their billion-dollar industry.  Who exactly is this feisty lady who goes by the name of Jaslene Thomas?  And how did she get her hands on the jealously-guarded insider trade secrets of tooth whitening, that's posted free for anyone to download at

Little is known about the mysterious evangelist who is championing for full disclosure in the cosmetic industry, in particular tooth whitening.  She is however known to be a junior school teacher and a mother of two young children.  People who understand Jaslene well say that her recent stance against the cosmetic tooth whitening industry is true to her obstinate character, and a testament to her personal motto of “vanity minus the insanity”.  After all, the promisers of “bright smiles and white teeth” are raking into sky-high profits through aggressive advertising campaigns, often at the expense of their poorly-informed customers.

Jaslene Thomas, for one, is fed up with all the hype and misinformation in the marketplace.  The pint-sized educator and mother-of-two wants to put a stop to all this nonsense.  “Dentists and product sellers shouldn't be allowed to get away with false promises and lies any longer!”, Jaslene told a roomful of concerned parents during a PTA meeting last weekend.

Jaslene's palpable anger is understandable in light of what happened to a young boy from her math class just last month.  Little Joe was rushed to A&E by his alert mother in the middle of the night.  The 7-year old was drooling excessively, vomiting and having terrible diarrhea runs.  Joe's caregivers couldn't find any reason for his sudden bout of illness.  Food poisoning was ruled out as the cause since they hadn't fed him anything out of the ordinary.  After performing multiple tests on the sick boy, doctors at the paediatric clinic delivered a shocking assessment to his worried parents.  No, it wasn't stomach virus or the normal flu bug, or food poisoning.  Their precious child was suffering from FLUORIDE POISONING.  The cause was later pinned down to Joe's accidental swallowing of toothpaste during his daily brushing routine.  Over a long period of time, the ingested fluoride accumulated in the child's body, and disrupted his internal gastro-intestinal function, resulting is uncontrolled salivation, vomiting and diarrhea.

Imagine battling for life and death because of a beautifully-packaged colorful kiddy toothpaste in yummy strawberry flavor!  (Fortunately, little Joe was able to recover from that scary episode, given the immediate medical attention.)  But thousands of toothpaste manufacturers are still getting away with inadequate warnings and usage instructions on their product labels.  The law is lax on this requirement, and profit-minded marketers are doing just the bare minimal to educate their consumers about responsible use of their seemingly harmless products.

And don't even get Jaslene started on the multitude of tooth whitening solutions targeted at adults with spending power.  “Many of these tooth whitening gels, toothpastes, stick-on strips and impressive-looking laser-activation dental machinery actually work?  Customers who buy into the promise of quick and easy teeth whitening are in for a nasty surprise.  Statistics show that many of these products have little or no whitening effect, and may instead cause painful tooth sensitivity!”, Jaslene revealed to her attentive audience at the PTA meeting.

Some of the inquisitive kids in her school are even contemplating cosmetic whitening procedures after being bombarded by media images of their glamorous Hollywood teen idols.  These kids risk losing their pocket money and their health if they choose the wrong whitening products.  And Teacher Jaslene is adamant to put a stop to this dangerous fashion trend.

Jaslene has been diligently researching the hard facts of tooth whitening, through medical journals and other trusted publications.  She also keeps a watchful eye for news and happenings in this billion-dollar industry, including product recalls, lawsuits and insider trade forums.  She discusses these information and insights with the gregarious kids in her class, and teaches them how to make informed buying decisions.

Although her initial motivation came from wanting to educate the kids in her own school, many people have been asking Jaslene to share her knowledge with the public at large.  Indeed, urbanites like us are bombarded with savvy marketing messages everywhere we go, encouraging us to part with our hard-earned money in exchange for a beautiful bright smile.  Some products are indeed effective, while many others offer more hype than substance.  How can we expect the average consumer to correctly discern the gems from the fluff?

So it is indeed good news for everyone that Jaslene Thomas has agreed to use the internet as a platform to reach other interested consumers, through her website at  The corporate bigwigs in the tooth whitening industry are sitting up and taking notice of this feisty little lady, and you should too!  Everyone's invited to the official launch of her online community, where she exposes the “hush-hush” secrets of tooth whitening to the general public.

Membership is immediate and free to everyone during the launch party, and for a limited period, Jaslene is even throwing in a value-packed Tooth Whitening Report worth $37.00, absolutely free!  That's great news for consumers!

Individuals who are interested in protecting their health and wallets from unscrupulous “bright smile” promoters can now gain access to unbiased information at  Rush on over to register now!

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About : empowers consumers through information, tips and advice on dental issues.  It offers timely news and reviews of dental products/services, unbiased recommendations, coupon savings and shocking insider secrets of tooth whitening.


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