Seven minutes by Ismael Camacho Arango

Starting through a path Full of problems and dangers Homer wanted to have some money As Maria cleaned the shop Miguel saw to the customers And Jose danced around the tree of life
March 12, 2008 - PRLog -- Ismael Camacho Arango and Siete Minutos
London—3-12, 2008—Ismael Camacho Arango has published Siete Minutos in conjunction with Lulu (, the world’s fastest-growing provider of print-on-demand books.

Siete Minutos is a book about life in Latin America, when everything gets disrupted by wars and revolutions, but then a man emerges ready to conquer the world.
After his humble beginnings, Homer wants to have some money. Then he becomes very rich as the sun explodes, killing humankind and bringing apocalypse to his soul.  

Siete Minutos is available for purchase at

“Independent publishing and print-on-demand is the wave of the future, and the future is now,” said Ismael Camacho Arango.  “The Lulu process allows me to cut out the middle man (i.e. a separate publisher) and get my work out there the way I want it.  My book is much like Lulu itself—it puts control of your destiny in your own hands.”

Link to Publication:

Ismael Camacho Arango was born in Lebrija, Colombia in 1926. He got his degree of medicine in the universidad nacional de Bogota in 1952.

His literary career started when he won a short story competition in 1967. He wrote his book siete minutos in 1971.

The novel is a future vision of our industrialist society and of the citizens who only think of having money. The day will come when people will only worry about themselves.

Laugh and cry with the characters and adventures the author describes in this book full of morbid humour, where he is the master.


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