Author of "Child Abduction: How To Protect Your Children," Believes More Education is Needed

The Center of Missing and Exploited Children announced recently that more education was needed to keep children safe, Maurice Woodson, author of "Child Abduction: How To Protect Your Children" agreed while celebrating the re-release of his book.
By: Nomad PR
April 4, 2008 - PRLog -- According to The Center of Missing and Exploited Children and the FBI, there are millions of open cases and hundreds of thousands of children and teens abducted any given year. The organization also stated that one in five girls and one in ten boys will be sexually victimized before age 18 - and only one in three report it. In 74 percent of abduction-homicides, the child is dead within the first three hours.

These statistic are sad but true, and The Center of missing and Exploited children believes that more education is needed for parents and children in order to begin winning the war on child and teen predators.

"Child Abduction: How To Protect your Children" a book by Maurice Woodson, has been celebrated by the organization as a "wonderful" learning tool. Several schools and Organizations in New York, New Jersey, Florida, and California have adopted the book as "the book" used to educate their communities.

With the implementation of The Amber Alert program, more children have been rescued in the first few hours of abduction then ever before said the director of the The Center of Missing and Exploited Children. According to Mr. Woodson, "we have to really do all we can to stop the abduction before it even happens and that means keeping kids from getting into those cars or leaving with people that they shouldn't be leaving with." He continued, "Knowledge is key. Over the years, I’ve spent time doing research with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children as well as spending time with several police organizations and the one thing that still rings true is that we need to educate children on what to do if they are approached. We also need to be prepared in case (God forbid) it does happen. The faster one can get all needed information of a child or teen into the hands of the proper authorities, the faster they can do their job and the better chance of returning that abducted child or teen home alive.”

“Child Abduction: How to Protect your Children” informs parents on what they should know about child predators, and how and what to teach their children. It also heavily covers what a child and parents should do if an abduction were to happen. The book gives a reader all they need to prepare an ID kit of their child or children, something Mr. Woodson believes every child and teen should have.

The Book is to be re-released in April 2008.

For more information on "Child Abduction: How To Protect Your Children" or the author Maurice Woodson, email:

“Child Abduction: How To Protect Your Children” is available at and where ever books are sold.

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Maurice Woodson is the author of "Child Abduction: How to Protect your Children" as well as a soon to be released novel.  he is also a contributor on NOMA Beauty Magazine

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