CIA Case Officer Exposes US Government Role In MLK Assassination

Interviews with Ray Kohlman, Mike Ruppert, former Congresswoman Cynthia Mc Kinney, Catherine Austin Fitts, Gary Revel and more have helped shape Osborne’s conclusions of conspiracy and cover-up in the MLK Assassination.
April 16, 2008 - PRLog -- Martin Luther King was assassinated. However, over 40 years after his untimely death, questions remain about the identities of the assassins and their backers. In short, who is specifically responsible?

Leutrell Osborne, Sr., former CIA Case Officer for over 26 years, has his own top-down approach based on his work with many prominent figures in the investigation. Meetings with Ray Kohlman, Mike Ruppert, former Congresswoman Cynthia Mc Kinney, Catherine Austin Fitts, Gary Revel and more have helped shape Osborne’s conclusions.

The assassination of Dr. King took place against the backdrop of domestic spying that is now rapidly becoming institutionalized in the US. The FBI dirty tricks program COINTEL PRO targeted King as an adversary and “enemy of the state.” The world has come to honor him as an intrinsic part of the Soul of America.

COINTEL PRO was a questionable and possibly unconstitutional clandestine activity, manipulating the sociopolitical landscape by disrupting the exercise of First Amendment rights. They suppressed speaking, teaching, meeting, advocacy, writing and publishing with vigilante-style domestic covert action and propaganda used against American citizens.

Agents infiltrated organizations, conducted “dirty tricks” psychological warfare, and used the legal system, break-ins, stalking, assaults and beatings for harassment. They inflicted physical, emotional and economic damage, and did not stop short of using assassinations to “neutralize” their adversaries.” Osborne encourages us to share his conclusions about governmental dirty tricks.

1. COINTEL PRO is the acronym for an FBI led dirty tricks operation against US citizens especially Blacks and Native Americans. There is still active disinformation claiming that COINTEL PRO is a Counter Intelligence (CI) domestic operation and that COINTEL PRO was not part of any Government conspiracy. As a former CIA Case Officer, Leutrell Mike Osborne disputes both the claim that COINTEL PRO is a CI operation and that there is no Government conspiracy.

2. The mere definition of a Covert Action operation describes COINTEL PRO. Dirty tricks are CA intel operations.

3. J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director, had contacts with organized crime. William Sullivan before he was killed in a deer hunting accident had plans to tell the HSCA that he opposed continuance of the COINTEL PRO under his Intelligence Division, etc.

4. The FBI was not the only Intelligence Community (IC) agency involved in Covert Action intelligence. The DIA and CIA both conducted what I consider illegal domestic CA operations in collaboration with the FBI. Richard Ober at CIA’s CI Staff and William Sullivan at the FBI coordinated dirty tricks operations. The CIA’s MHCHAOS program with several internal Office of Security programs like HYDRA also were in concert with the FBI’s COINTEL PRO.

5. Under no circumstances accept any information alleging that James Earl Ray and Lloyd Jowers are the assassins. At the most, both of them were controlled assets handled by an unidentified agent handler or handlers that used the alias Raul, who may have been foreign born and under the control of the US Army’s Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). With the above as backdrop, why do recent programs honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the 40th Anniversary of his assassination continue to implicate Ray as the assassin? This is part of the continued Government cover up using various public media resources.

Osborne wants to know “Why doesn’t media get the truth and point the fingers in the correct directions at COINTEL PRO and organized crime?” The latest CNN documentary continues pointing at Ray and Jowers. But the bullet has never been linked to Ray’s rifle. Let's focus on telling the truth now, after the 40th anniversary of King’s untimely death. The full story still hasn’t been told.

"The FBI dirty tricks intelligence operation COINTEL PRO was a Covert Action intelligence operation equal to if not better than one led and directed by the CIA Clandestine Service Spy Masters." CA includes both assassinations and collaboration with intelligence operation resources such as organized crime and international hit persons. That is the way CA used to be though rules of the game now state that the US Government doesn't participate in such activities today.

Based on my reading of “official documents,” much of the COINTELPRO was performed to shield the White House. Further many of the DOJ and FBI post investigations only confused matters further. My paradigm is that of a CIA Spy Master who understands CA intelligence operations. Many departments and agencies in the Intelligence Community collaborated both wittingly and unwittingly during COINTEL PRO.

You can discount misinformation about Ray and the true COINTEL FACTOR professionals mostly out of the FBI and US Army intelligence. Perhaps the only true link is the coordinator and agent handler known as Raul.

In my opinion Raul had the attributes of a person trained by Spy Masters but was not a Case Officer. His attributes resemble a "trained agent or asset who knows how to handle agents" or people like Ray and Jowers in this case. I know many people who have first hand knowledge of COINTEL PRO and the related events concerning the assassination of Dr. King, Jr. (Osborne, 2008)

Osborne believes evidence points to interventions by an intelligence handler. The enterprise was a dark marriage of organized crime with clandestine government and military behind the trigger with “clean up” and media manipulation after the fact. Current depictions, such as CNN’s “Eyewitness to Murder: The King Assassination,” still blindly support the tired official version. How long will we turn a blind eye to truth?

1. From 1956 to the early 1970s, secret domestic intelligence operations of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) were mostly performed without political leaders of the US Government knowing details. Most of the campaign was unknown to upper echelons like the Presidents and Attorney Generals. Key elements of the IC deployed dirty trick specialists from the FBI, CIA, and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) against so-called enemies of the state such as dissidents. They made secret war on “agitators,” select individuals and groups.

2. The FBI collaborated with members of the Intelligence Community (IC) conducting dirty tricks along side the FBI’s COINTEL PRO, which was actually a Covert Action Intelligence operation equal to if not better than what CIA could perform.

3. The nature of dirty trick operations by the US Government on labeled “adversaries” made these persons appear “dirtier” than they were with propaganda, and smear tactics.

4. Several CIA components performed illegal domestic intelligence activities in concert with the FBI. As an IC activity, COINTEL PRO “neutralized” and fabricated threats against individuals and organizations. IC activities sowed distrust and disinformation with a controlled system of informants and provocateurs.

COINTEL PRO was unconstitutional clandestine activity, manipulating the sociopolitical landscape by disrupting the exercise of First Amendment rights. They suppressed speaking, teaching, meeting, advocacy, writing and publishing with vigilante-style domestic covert action and propaganda used against American citizens.

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Tags:Mlk, Assassination, Leutrell, Osborne, Cia, Fbi, US, Government, Mafia
Industry:Government, Society, Security
Location:Killeen - Texas - United States
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