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Follow on Google News | Missouri Lt. Gov. Candidate, Michael E. Carter, Robo-calling Millions Of Voters About A-B BuyoutMichael carter, candidate for missouri lt. Governor is reaching out to millions of missouri voters and sharing his concern about the continuing migration of U.S. industries such as anheuser bush’s into the hands of foreign interests. Missouri
By: Committee (michael e. carter) LIEUTENANT GOV. CANDIDATE, MICHAEL E. CARTER, ROBO-CALLING MILLIONS OF MISSOURI VOTERS ABOUT ANHEUSER BUSCH BUYOUT. MICHAEL CARTER, CANDIDATE FOR MISSOURI LT. GOVERNOR IS REACHING OUT TO MILLIONS OF MISSOURI VOTERS AND SHARING HIS CONCERN ABOUT THE CONTINUING MIGRATION OF US INDUSTRIES SUCH AS ANHEUSER BUSH’S INTO THE HANDS OF FOREIGN INTERESTS. CARTER KNOWS THAT MISSOURI UNEMPLOYMENT IS AT ITS HIGHEST LEVELS SINCE BLUNT TOOK OFFICE AND THAT YET ANOTHER BLOW TO MISSOURI’S BUSINESS SECTOR LIKE THAT OF FORD, CHRYSLER, SPRINT, ANHEUSER BUSH AND SO ON, CANNOT CONTINUE TO BE IGNORED. ST. CHALRLES, MO July 15, 2008 – Candidate for Lt. Governor Mike Carter (Missouri) announced plans to robo-call millions of Missouri voters to share his views about the recent buyout proceedings concerning Anheuser-Busch. “We have taken some heat for the millions of automated phone calls we’ve made this primary election cycle, but feel we’ve made the most of an opportunity to educate the public about our positions without owing our souls to corporate America or special interests,” said Carter. Carter’s campaign says that upwards of 10,000 Missouri voters have registered on his MISSOURI POLITICAL DO NOT CALL LIST at Carter says that the Anheuser-Busch buyout is especially compelling and so his campaign is sending out two or three times the normal call count to Missouri voters to let them know that he is sensitive to the very real impact of more and more U.S. companies becoming susceptible to possible foreign takeover. Carter cites the narrow miss of Chinese oil company Cnooc’s attempt to take over United States’ energy firm Unocal Corp. “In Missouri’s case, it is interesting to think that industry analysts have pegged A-B’s St. Louis plant as one of the most inefficient in the nation,” said Carter. “This is undoubtedly code for lost jobs for Missourians.” Carter is sensitive to the business decisions A-B’s board has faced. He is a fiscally responsible independent Democrat and received negative attention when he pledged to analyze the Lieutenant Governor’s office -- promising to allocate $10,000.00 to the state treasury or charity if the office could not be given meaningful purpose. About Mike Carter, Candidate for Lt. Governor in Missouri: Michael E. Carter is the leading Democratic candidate running for Missouri's Lieutenant Governor. This is significant in that it's nearly certain that the Democratic nominee will take the reins of the office. Carter is a Senior Lecturer for the University of Missouri at St. Louis and a practicing attorney focusing in real estate & business. He has worked for the United States Senate, Missouri's Western District Court of Appeals, Missouri's attorney general, and for UPS as a package driver. Carter is a distant relative of past Missouri Governor, Mel Carnahan. Carter recently established the MISSOURI POLITICAL DO NOT CALL LIST. Voters can register with the list at # # # A-b buyout -- missouri lieutenant gov. Candidate, michael e. Carter, robo-calling millions of missouri voters about anheuser busch buyout. End