Celebrating Turtle Island Womyn & Girls Healing Retreat

Introduction to Celebrating Turtle Island Womyn & Girls Healing Retreat Shares the Ancient Secrets of Life, Time, the Self and Power of Being Womyn - October 22-26, 2008
By: Joe Montoya
Aug. 6, 2008 - PRLog -- The knowledge and power of ancient earth transforms participants October 22-26, 2008 during the workshop Celebrating Turtle Island Womyn & Girls Healing Retreat in Oakland, sponsored by the Sisters of Honua (SoH), EarthWisdom, Daughters of the Goddess and San Jose Circle Moon Lodge.

The five-day workshop will provide the participants with the practical knowledge, tools and rites of passage for claiming power to heal themselves and others. Students will learn how to:

   * Access, accumulate and direct power
   * Work with Spirit Guides that co-create our lives
   * Find and work with the aspects of self that mold reality
   * Use the secret of time for healing
   * Be initiated into the ancient sisterhood of earth
   * Use a daily practices that intensifies spiritual growth

“This multi-cultural and intergenerational Rite of Passage helps us master the elements of power, cleanse dysfunction and master the Self,” said Maria Yraceburu, Quero Apache ceremonialist and author. “The Indigenous believed this moment in time is pivotal on womyn taking their place as Dreamers of the World. They handed down the secrets of these changing times through their lineages, their chants, wisdom, and through initiations.”

$575 includes tuition, materials and Daughters of the Goddess Spiral Dance Admission
Registration http://www.yraceburu.org/Celebrating_Turtle_Island.html   
Detailed information on travel and what to bring to the seminar will be provided upon receipt of the registration. Deposit is not refundable.  Remainder of the fee is refundable if cancellation is received in writing at least two weeks prior to the start of the seminar.  Please feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.
Event Coordinator & Contact: Joe Montoya, events@yraceburu.org


– Maria Yraceburu studied Quero Apache traditions with her grandfather, and became an akicita(guardian) of Earth. She facilitated the Earth Renewal Festivals by merging Tlish Diyan ritual with cross-cultural facilitators since 1972. She is author of Wisdom of the Rainbow Serpent: 2nd Penseh (FAEW 2008), Wisdom of the Rainbow Serpent: 1st Penseh (FAEW 2005), Prayers & Meditations of the Quero Apache (Bear & Co. 2004), and Legends & Prophecies of the Quero Apache (Bear & Co., 2002). To learn more visit http://www.yraceburu.org/Yraceburu.html

– Lynda Yraceburu is a living practitioner of her Gypsy shamanic tradition... Vas Pesh, the inheritor of a deeply enriching and healing craft which combines power, passion, light-heartedness and strong elements of magic and insight.  She practices and teaches this craft in accordance with the ancient natural laws of the Rom and earth's cyclic energies.  She is also a Traditional Healer in the Quero Apache Tlish Diyan tradition, and an Earth Spirit Photographer with her first book Where Spirit Lives soon to be released!  To learn more visit http://www.yraceburu.org/Yraceburu.html

– Leilani Birely, Hawaiian Priestess and ceremonialist brings ancient Hawaiian healing and Goddess wisdom to the community.  She is the active mother of two girls.  Graduated from George Mason University in Fairfax VA with a degree in Business, and a graduate of the Masters in Womyn’s Spirituality from New College in San Francisco.  On Summer solstice of 1996 she founded Daughters of the Goddess Womyn’s Temple.  In August of 1998, she was Ordained as a Dianic High Priestess by Z Budapest at the Goddess 2000 womyn's Festival in La Honda, CA.  In March 2008, Maria & Lynda Yraceburu, and Patrice Erickson acted as Guardians and take Leilani home to Hawaii to begin intiations as Kahuna with the Kumu of her lineage.  To learn more go to http://www.DaughtersoftheGoddess.com

– Mellissa Seaman delights in facilitating events for women in their awakening, embodiment, and empowerment.  In the year 2000, Mellissa experienced an awakening that took her from being a Stanford-educated Catholic Lawyer to being a channel and shamanic healer.   Since then, she has led workshops in Shamanic Practice, the Arts of the Temple Priestess, Temple Dance, Shamanic Tantra and Ecstatic Breathwork in circles and retreat centers around California.  Read articles she has written at www.HeartWisdom.net to learn more.

– Spiritual life coach Cynthia Sue Larson is author of several books, including Aura Advantage, and Reality Shifts. Cynthia holds an M.B.A. from San Francisco State University, and a A.B. degree in Physics from U.C. Berkeley. She lives in Berkeley, California, where she publishes the free monthly ezine, RealityShifters News through her reality shifting web site http://www.realityshifters.com

– Kymberlee Ruff,MFT was born in the Cherokee Nation of two part Cherokee parents. Kymberlee has worked in psych for thirty years, licensed as a psychotherapist since 1986 and apprenticed as a shaman for over ten years.For the past nine years,  Kymberlee has been working with a paradigm that  she created combining shamanism and traditional psychotherapy.  In 2001 Kymberlee learned that she is a Prophecy Carrier of the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecy. In 2006 Kymberlee  was made an Honorary Hopi Elder by Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma, the Keeper of the Sacred Tablets of the Fire Clan.  Specifically, Kymberlee is a Carrier of the message  of the "Second Hopi Prophecy Rock". The Message of Hope that follows after the First Hopi Prophecy Rock.

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A non-profit organization for the reunification of Earth and Humans through programs that offer healing, spiritual awareness, personal development and community. We celebrate the Changing Mother earth and work through responsible co-creation.
Source:Joe Montoya
Email:Contact Author
Tags:Earth, Renewal, Festival, Metaphysical, Shamanic, Indigenous, Native American, Ceremony
Industry:Event, Lifestyle, Religion
Location:United States
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