What can you learn from Susan Berg about Alzheimer's disease and other dementias?

Author and Alzheimer's and dementia specialist,Susan Berg has just started a blog, htttp://dementia.today.com She is going to discuss everything about Alzheimer's disease and other dementias,after sharing the basics with her readership.Visit often
By: Susan Berg
Sept. 11, 2008 - PRLog -- Over 5.2 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Is one of them someone you know or a client of yours?

Even if you know no one with Alzheimer's disease or another dementia now, you will soon. The number of people getting these diseases is growing at an alarming rate.

You want to be able to go to an informed source you can trust. Susan Berg is an author and an Alzheimer's and dementia specialist.

Berg is passionate about convincing others to know as much as they can about these diseases/.She understands how busy everyone is.. She reads all the latest news about these diseases and acts as a filter for you. She recognizes the importance of informing the public about Alzheimer's disease and other dementias

Her first task is to review the basics about Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Then she is going to discuss practical ways of preventing these diseases in yourself and others.

Finally she will share news tidbits she feels are worthy of your attention.

So visit http://dementia.today.com  often. And of course feel free to post a comment often. She welcomes ideas and stories from her visitors

You can also go to her website

Susan Berg is the author of  
Adorable Photographs of Our Baby-Meaningful Mind Stimulating Activities and More for the Memory Challenged, Their Loved Ones and Involved Professionals a book for those with dementia and an excellent resource for caregivers and healthcare professionals.

Berg also writes for Activity Director Today and has an activity blog http://activitiesdirector.blogspot.com


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Alzheimer's ideas,features Susan Berg author of Adorable Photographs of Our Baby-Meaningful Mind Stimulating Activities and More,a book for those with dementia and an excellent resource for caregivers and healthcare professionals. Free information given

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