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Follow on Google News | World Vegan Day Health Appeal to Pasta Pizza Hut Restaurants by NutritionistsAs Pizza Hut changes it’s name to Pasta Hut, Nutritionists have re-launched a World Vegan Day campaign to encourage pizza restaurants to make a healthier, vegan pizza. Big incentives are offered to the 1st high street Pizza chain to step forward.
By: Foods for Life Nutrition “A recent study showed only 12% of the UK reach the UK Govt. minimum target of five portions of fruit and vegetables per day. We need to replace more of the saturated animal fat in our diets with plant based foods rich in essential fats. It’s especially important we find creative ways of getting our children to eat more fruit and vegetables. A healthy pizza is a super idea.” Nutritionists have called for a delicious and nutritious, healthier vegan version of the popular pepperoni pizza in every town throughout the UK. They suggested it should ideally be totally free of saturated animal fat, have a whole grain and herb base, with a rich tomato and vegetable sauce, perhaps meat-free plant protein pepperoni and a good dairy-free bubbly vegan cheese topping. An online World Vegan Day poll revealed that around a third of respondents believed that better choices on menus would be the primary incentive for more of their friends to adopt a vegan lifestyle. Although vegetarians and vegans choose a veggie lifestyle for ethical reasons most of the nearly, almost, demi-vegetarians and flexitarians do so predominantly or only for health reasons. The nutritionist reveals “The average Pizza is one of the unhealthiest fast foods you can eat. High in nutrient stripped simple carbohydrates, drenched in animal fat, often high in salt and sugar and low in protein. At around 730 calories a typical pepperoni pizza has nearly as much fat, even more carbohydrates and less protein than a McDonalds double Quarter pounder with cheese. A 6 slice medium pan Pizza Hut Pepperoni Pizza has 2112 Kcals, 117g of fat, 164g of carbohydrates, 10g of salt and 101g of protein.” Research shows over 40% of UK consumers are eating less meat, are choosing vegetarian options more often and have a preference for healthier, more environmentally friendly, more ethically sound products. Tony Bishop-Weston a Vegan chef and author from Pea PR “A quantitive survey in May 2008 of 3,200 respondents accessed that vegetarian and vegan market has the potential to grow to nearly six times its current size, which would bring the total number of such consumers to almost 18 million adults in the USA. The market in the UK could potentially be as high as 30 million.” The United Nations environmental report “Livestock’ There are big incentives offered for the first high street Pizza restaurant chain to launch a healthy Vegan Pizza. 1. Foods for Life have created a World Vegan Day 64 ingredient healthy pizzaz pizza recipe – one ingredient for every year of veganism since it’s creation in November 1944 2. TV Nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston has offered her services to promote the UK’s first nationally available truly healthy Pizza 3. PEA PR have offered free marketing support and consultancy for a healthy Pizza launch 4. Vegetarian Guides have offered to provide free entries in their European, UK and London Vegetarian Guides for a restaurant serving a healthy vegan pizza 5. have offered free banner advertising on their website for a healthy vegan pizza. Editors notes: Contact Foods for Life via for more information or comment. # # # London Nutritionists Foods for Life offer consultancy on a number of health issues, private clinics, testing services, expert keynote speakers, workshops, writing, product and recipe development. End
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