Getting You Online and Keeping You There – Author Laura Kimball

Advertising is no small industry with an estimated $200 billion spent annually, but one that affects all of us. Author Laura Kimball explores just how advertising today is changing our lives in her new book, Getting You Online and Keeping You There.
By: Frank Smith
Nov. 10, 2008 - PRLog -- Her latest book covers the shift in advertising to get people online for a more interactive experience. With topics such as changing privacy policies that dictate the amount of information that can now be collected and used about individuals for targeted advertising to shifting budgets. The latest trends in both marketing and advertising are all covered for a comprehensive view. This engaging book is a great collection of information for anyone interested in today’s changing market.

Do you want to know what they are doing with all that data collected from consumers? Is it going to good use? Advertising is just about everywhere and it’s here to stay, but changes are underway. There is a shift from a push to pull mentality as consumers become more demanding in their expectations and preferences in how they receive information. The information collected about users is at an all time high and advertisers are using it to take full advantage in optimizing their campaigns.

The way we view advertising is changing rapidly. In the online space there are more ads than ever. Billboards have taken a more dynamic display approach and are in an increasing number of highly visible areas reaching more people. Our viewing habits for television have been greatly modified with the acceptance of the DVR or options to watch shows online that allow us to skip the commercials altogether. How will that change the way advertisers reach their audience? What happens when the audience is in control of the ads?

Consumers are taking a greater part with user generated content and voicing their opinions about what they want from the organizations marketing to them. Social networking is one way that has expanded our ability as individuals to distribute information and has led to greater education and broader research capabilities. The consumer now has more power than ever to dictate changes and they are no longer shy about speaking up. Getting You Online and Keeping You There (available exclusively on Amazon) explores the changing world of marketing from both angles of the consumer and the marketer.

Visit for further information about the book and the author.

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A new look at what advertising, technology, and the collection of information is doing to our lives. Advertising is everywhere! This book explores not only the tactics used by marketers to get us online but also how it changes our daily lives.

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