Global Fast Empowers Giving in a Down Economy

A young philanthropic movement gives everyone a chance to change lives - without increasing their budget.
Dec. 24, 2008 - PRLog -- (Los Angeles) – Even when times are tough, we all want to reach out and help others. Amidst the current economic challenges, a young movement called Global Fast gives everyone a chance to change lives around the world – without increasing their budget even one penny.

Those who join Global Fast agree to fast one meal per week, and donate what they would have spent to save lives in the most critical areas of global need.

“Each of us wants to make a difference in others’ lives, and that we should be able to do so even when our budgets are tight,” says Global Fast founder Rich Halvorson. “Fasting just one meal can give a child in Uganda water for one year, or feed a rescued victim of human trafficking for an entire month.”

Through the recent work of Global Fast, thousands of villagers in Haiti have found a sustainable source of work and providing for their families. Recently, a Global Fast event among students at Pepperdine University provided a food and medicine drop to hundreds of families in desperate Darfur refugee camps have been fed.

Global Fast is seeking new weekly fasters this season to support women rescued from the sex trade in Thailand, to give clean water to war-ravaged communities in Uganda, and to create sustainable development for neglected coastal villages in Haiti.

Moved by the need and neglect of poor Haitian children, students at an elementary school in Omaha, Nebraska joined together to fast for one day – raising enough money to give a new fishing boat to a Haitian village, which will launch in 2009, providing food for hundreds of villagers each day.

Global Fast invites compassionate individuals, families and communities to join in this movement of impacting lives through sacrifice for others.

Participants simply fast and pray for one meal a week and donate the money that would have been spent on that meal to charity. Budgets don’t change, but lives are saved or changed forever. Fasters can select any of three key impact areas of impact:

Water. The #1 need of the global poor is safe, clean water. Over 3,900 children die each day because of parasites in their water. Clean water literally means life or death.

Freedom. One of the worst crimes of our day is human trafficking. Over 20 million women and children have been sold, kidnapped or trapped into forced labor or sexploitation.

Opportunity. The 2 billion global poor need sustainable ways to work and provide for their families.

“In difficult economic times, generous contributors don’t have to sacrifice their philanthropic endeavors,” comments Rich Halvorson, Founder Global Fast. “Global Fast offers everyone the opportunity to change lives around the world without increasing their budget.”

About Global Fast
The mission of Global Fast is to save lives through fasting and charity. Global Fast changes the world through inspiring personal sacrifice and deeper compassion for others. Our aim is to create both more charity and more deeply charitable people – thereby creating local and global impact. By partnering with the most efficient, innovative and sustainable charities, Global Fast empowers individuals and communities to create significant global change by giving water, freedom and opportunity in the areas they are most needed. Global Fast was inspired by the call to create change through fasting in Isaiah 58. Global Fast directs 100% of all fasting donations to the area of need designated by the faster.  For more information log onto

Media Inquires:
Ernae Mothershed

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Global Fast empowers individuals and communities to create global change by giving water, freedom and opportunity in the areas they are most needed. Global Fast directs 100% of all fasting donations to the area of need designated by the faster.
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