Mark T. Barclay | Dr. Mark T. Barclay Visits Life Christian Church in Escondido, California

Mark T. Barclay, Preacher of Righteousness, will be preaching and ministering at Life Christian Church in Escondido, California on Sunday, January 11th, 2009 at 6 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend this free event.
Jan. 11, 2009 - PRLog -- Life Christian Church and Dr. Stephen R. Johnson are proud to host Mark T. Barclay for it's Sunday Night service. The service begins at 6 PM. Child care is provided for Babies through 5th Grade. This is a free event and everyone else welcome.

Life Christian Church is located at 620 S. Andreasen Drive in Escondido, CA 92029. Their phone number is 760-480-6233.

For directions to the meeting you can visit Life Christian Church's website:

Dr. Barclay just wrapped up the San Diego Holy Spirit Conference. These meetings had a deep anointing which changed lives. For more information about Holy Spirit Conferences visit

Mark T. Barclay has been preaching the uncompromised Word of God for over 30 years and making a stand for righteousness in the last days. A no-nonsense, straight-shooting preacher, Brother Barclay is a powerful voice for the new millennium, taking the body of Christ to the climax of the ages. He has a precise mission on his heart and mind—to bring a move of the Holy Spirit to the world and prepare God’s people for His coming.

Dr. Barclay is an international author whose materials continue to fortify many churches and believers around the world. He's become a favored conference speaker and travels about 50 weeks each year, speaking almost nightly. He pioneered Living Word Church in Midland, Michigan, which has grown from a handful of believers in the basement of a rental home to a church with hundreds of members and partners.

Brother Barclay is mostly known as a leader among leaders and a mentor to many preachers and professionals. His straightforward and bold preaching, mixed with his lifestyle of Bible convictions, has caused him to be known by many as the Preacher of Righteousness. He feels called to promote right living in these last days and help as many hurting people as possible with the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Experience a Supernatural Encounter with Jesus Christ at a Mark Barclay Ministries' Conference

Throughout the year, Mark Barclay Ministries hosts a series of conferences both here at the World Headquaters in Midland, and in cities across the nation as the Lord leads. Each conference typically lasts 3–4 days, with daytime and evening meetings.

Even though each conference has a different focus, all share the common thread of the life-changing anointing of Jesus Christ. Over the years, we have heard thousands of testimonies from preachers and believers alike of how they were touched by Jesus during one of these conferences.

Listed below are the major conference types we host, along with a brief description of each.

Holy Spirit Conference

The National Holy Spirit Conference is held during the first half of March each year at the World Headquarters in Midland, Michigan. Regarded by some as the highlight of their year, preachers and believers alike come from across the nation and even other nations to experience the powerful outpourings for which this conference has become known.

Each January in Escondido, California, Mark Barclay Ministries holds the annual San DIego Holy Spirit Conference. Like the national conference, these meetings are also known for a deep anointing which has changed hundreds of lives.

Holy Spirit Conferences begin on a Tuesday evening and last all week until the final meeting on Friday evening. These conferences are structured this way to allow the pastors who attend to have time to return home for Sunday services in their own church.
Ministry of Helps Conference

The Bible teaches us that if a believer is not called to the five-fold ministry, then they are called to serve the Lord in the ministry of helps. The Ministry of Helps Conferences focus on more practical topics of everyday life and ministry which are relevant for both the minister and believer.

These conferences are held during September each year at the World Headquarters, and run from Tuesday through Friday.

Leadership Conference

Every born-again believer must understand the principles of leadership to live a productive and fulfilled life. Whether you are leading an army of believers or simply leading your family, the teaching and ministry found in the Leadership Conferences is vital to your success.

The Leadership Conference is a 3-day event running from Wednesday through Friday, and is held each December at the World Headquarters in Midland.

Women of Righteousness Weekend

In these anointed meetings, the ministry focuses on real-world issues which face our sisters in the Lord. Whether the speakers deal with practical matters or the innermost issues of life, the Anointing will change your life.

Each year, Vickie Barclay invites a special keynote speaker. Past speakers include Jennifer Johnson, Rita Evans, Carolyn Seville, and Nancy Alcorn.

Women of Righteousness Weekend is held each April at the World Headquarters in Midland. It’s a 3-day event that runs from Thursday through Saturday.


In so many ways, it has to be experienced to be understood. Every summer, hundreds of young people from arcoss the nation descend on Midland for 4 action-packed days of fun, worship, and life-changing ministry.

During the Invasion Youth Ministry Conference, we turn Mark Barclay Ministries World Headquarters on its ear, almost literally!. The interior of the sanctuary is rotated 90°, and we bring in concert sound, lights, and pyrotechnics. Then there is Invade, the monster house band that ushers in the Anointing each night. Oh, and who can forget the Spoon?

Tournaments, workshops, and daytime teaching sessions, combined with nightly services with keynote speaker Josh M. Barclay create an experience guaranteed to change lives.

Invasion generally takes place near the end of July or beginning of August, and runs from Tuesday through Friday. For more information about the Invasion Youth Conference visit:

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Dr. Mark T. Barclay has been preaching the uncompromised Word of God and making a stand for righteousness in the last days. He is an international author whose materials continue to fortify many churches and believers around the world. For over 30 years,

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