dynastree Maps Canadian Last Names

Family network dynastree just launched the Canadian version of its famous Surname Maps. The free tool that shows the surname distribution of more than 600,000 Canadian last names is the perfect companion for surname research.
March 5, 2009 - PRLog -- The Canadian surnames, mostly of English and French origin, can be searched for under
http://www.dynastree.ca. The distribution among the provinces is shown in a coloured map,
the user can choose from relative or absolute distribution. With the help of dynastree’s tool,
the origin of surnames can be researched quickly and easily.
Dynastree is a fast-growing family network to build a family tree. Once the family tree is
started, relatives can be invited directly to add knowledge and help to extend its reach.
Together, family members can enter information on other relatives and ancestors. The
communication with relatives and friends can be established and carried on even if the
connection had been lost or if they live far away.
About dynastree
Apart from the English site, the services are available in Germany (www.verwandt.de), in
Poland (www.moikrewni.pl), Spain and South America (www.miparentela.com), Portugal
(www.meusparentes.com.pt), Brazil (www.meusparentes.com.br), the Netherlands
(www.verwant.nl), Italy (www.parentistretti.it), Russia (www.semyaonline.ru) and France
(www.familleunie.fr). The platform will continue expanding to other European countries as
well as worldwide. Dynastree is supported by leading Business Angels, Hasso Plattner
Ventures and Neuhaus Partners, a well-known venture capitalist.
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