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Follow on Google News | The great Bilderberg conspiracy and “The Obama Deception”Last week I was sent a link to view “The Obama Deception” on YouTube. It is a hard-hitting conspiracist movie that attempts to undermine what some regard as the myth of President Barack Obama. It is similar in theme to Zeitgeist Addendum.
By: John Sylvester Interestingly unprovable theory so far. So what is the Bilderberger group and who makes up their numbers? It is said that in 1954, the most powerful men in the world met for the first time under the auspices of the Dutch royal crown and the Rockefeller family in the luxurious Hotel Bilderberg of the small Dutch town of Oosterbeck. Apparently, for an entire weekend, they debated the future of the world and that when it was over they decided to meet once every year to exchange ideas and analyze international affairs. Reportedly on one website said that “ever since then, they have gathered yearly in a luxurious hotel somewhere in the world ‘arrogantly plotting the subversion and silent takeover of constitutional governments everywhere. Their goal is a World Government run exclusively by their hand-picked puppets’.” It is also said that they screen and choose America's leaders and even determine who will run on the Democratic and Republican Party tickets. On one random Google search I found that among this so-called elitist membership, names include David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Timothy Geithner, George Soros, Alan Greenspan, Rupert Murdoch, and many others. The list includes prominent persons in politics, the military, financial institutions, major corporations, academia, and the media. The film goes on to suggest that Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into a state that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced national service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment and martial law. It also offers conjecture that the real power brokers behind “Obama's façade” are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon taxes and military force and that international bankers have purposefully engineered the implosion of the global economy by means of a worldwide financial meltdown in order to bankrupt all the nations of the planet and bring about their cherished World Government. And, in doing so, they would be in the position to buy up high-value assets of the world’s largest corporations at rock-bottom prices. The scenario they paint is one tantamount to the communist era of Mao and Stalin, with Obama as the spokesman appointed to achieve the real task of looting the middle class, destroying pensions and to federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the central government. It sounds crazy, right? But what this group of very persistent conspiracy theorists insists is that the entire administration has somehow been appointed because of their relations, past and present, to the Bilderberger group, the Federal Reserve and the CFR. The Fed, they point out, was given its name only as a way of legitimizing it, by stealth, that it is a government agency, whereas in fact, they argue, it is a private banking organization. But maybe it is precisely this exclusive roster of globally influential figures that has captured the imagination of an international network of conspiracists, who for decades have viewed the Bilderberg conference as a devious corporate-globalist plot. Indeed, on, one conspiracist is quoted as saying: “The one thing that concerns me is that the people who surround Obama or Bush generally come from the same philosophic viewpoint and they have their organizations – they have the Trilateral Commission, the CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] and the Bilderbergers, and they’ve been around a long time. And my biggest concern is what they preach: Keynesian economics and interventionism and world planning,” he said. While it's easy to dismiss the conspiracists as nothing more than a bunch of unhinged cranks, Obama’s selection of numerous named “Bilderbergees” Ron Paul continued: “And I don’t think it’s just Obama. Whether it’s the Republicans or the Democrats – Goldman Sachs generally has somebody in treasury. And the big banks generally have somebody in the Federal Reserve. And they’re international people, too. And they’re probably working very hard this weekend, with the G20. And they get involved in the IMF. But that is their stated goal. They do believe in a powerful centralized government and we believe in the opposite.” In "Nixon, who is said to have been obedient to his handlers, announced the demonetization of the dollar on August 15, 1971. This allowed time for the ‘real deciders’ to plan their strategy. Eighty-four individuals, financial, corporate and political elitists, gathered at Saltsjöbaden, Sweden for the annual Bilderberg meeting. American attendee, Walter J. Levy, outlined the plan for a pending 400% increase in OPEC revenues, the exact percentage that Kissinger would demand of Saudi Arabian Shah. "Their intentions were not prevention but rather a scheme on how to manage the projected abundance of oil dollars – what was later referred to by Kissinger as ‘recycling the petrodollar flows’. The Bilderberg policy was to initiate a global oil embargo.” But in a recent article featured in The Economist, it said: “Mr Geithner has recently urged Congress to help him enact ‘new rules of the game’, not “repairs at the margin’. His priorities are twofold. First, the government needs the authority to take over troubled non-banks whose failure could destabilise markets and to wind them down in an orderly way by selling assets, renegotiating contracts and so on…The last plank of the proposed systemic framework is stronger oversight of derivatives, such as the credit-default swaps that detonated within AIG. Those that are traded over the counter (away from exchanges) will face federal regulation, and supervision of dealers will be tightened.” Mr Geithner’s words certainly don’t look like pandering to this ethereal group that is supposedly taking all the bailout money for themselves, implementing forced national service, employing domestic civilian spies and ordering martial law. But conspiracy theories are not always about what is on the surface, surely? # # # V9 Design and Build ( produce tasteful web design in Bangkok, Thailand, including ecommerce shopping cart solutions, with functionality that allows owners to set up and maintain their online stores. End
Page Updated Last on: Mar 27, 2009