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Follow on Google News | Live H2o- Historic Concert to Bless the Waters Globally For World PeaceLong Beach, CA—On June 19-21, Join the world in this history making EXPERIMENT. . . . The new concept in harmony . . . Connecting all through the water that sustains the planet and makes up most of your body. . . Join us. . . . It’s for everyone.
By: Sherri Kane The EXPERIMENT will gather millions of people on Summer Solstice weekend including famous Scientists, Doctors, Recording Artists, Celebrities, and World Leading healers. June 19- 21, Participants at nearly 40 venues worldwide adjacent important bodies of Water are poised to make this first LIVE H2O Internet broadcast a historic success. Best of all, it’s all done by volunteers, and no large commercial sponsors. Audiences at venues around the world will co-create a LOVE wave traveling from the West Coast of the Americas across the Pacific and Asia to India, the Middle East and Africa, Europe, across the Atlantic to the eastern Americas. This "LOVE Water Wave," accompanied by drums and harps, returns to the West Coast of the Americas 81 minutes later, for a total 90 minute service. The 528Hz frequency will be used for the duration the "experiment." Healing the World from Within Here you will engage the power of Water —"Creative Juice"—to transform, restore, and sustain health, energy, peace, and prosperity in all ways. Two days of education and musical celebration will change the world simply by expanding awareness about these many miracles Water performs eternally without thanks. You will be far more grateful to Water, respect this life-sustainer and universal re-maker, than ever before. Health-enhancing and life-extending knowledge about Water and music—"hydrosonics"— LOVE is the "universal healer," and Water the "universal solvent." Put them together and you have the best-kept secret in history—a truth so freeing it shall surely hasten the Spiritual Renaissance and, with your loving heart involved, restore and sustain "heaven on earth" for our children and future generations. Choosing LOVE or Something Less . . . The choice to engage, and contribute to, evolving consciousness and solutions to myriad problems from environmental quality to public health and safety, has never been more pressing and clear. "You are either part of the problem or solution." During the "LOVE Water Experiment"—the spiritual service conducted on Sunday, June 21st—millions of people are expected to participate broadcasting their hearts through their voices and retuned instruments. The unified vibration will transmit "hydro-sonically" The goals of LIVE H2O To educate and spiritually uplift humanity to Water"s capacity to cure what ails us in every way: environmentally, socially, politically, economically, and personally. To herald practical solutions to civilization" To co-create, with millions of people worldwide, an unprecedented interactive Internet multi-media broadcasting capability engaging recording artists, celebrities, science experts, and Water celebrants to learn, sing, dance, chant, tone, drum, and pray together for humanity"s physical salvation and spiritual evolution. To promote preservation and restoration of Water"s purity, peace on earth, world health, and universal prosperity ending poverty, starvation, dehydration, and curable diseases by applying the latest advances in Water science. Here you will learn what everyone seeks yet few find. Master musicians and vocalists experience it—Oneness with the Source of creation, creative genius, and endless inspiration. This concert is all about teaching you "to sing in perfect harmony" with the rest of humanity and ecology. The Universal LIVE H2o prayer is that everyone will gain more than this lesson—a lasting experience of Water's majesty, within us, forever. The Water worldwide is expected to become a virtual "LOVE potion," so to speak—a homeopathic vibrating liquid crystal of LOVE—that will be heart-felt by people everywhere whose bodies are, likewise, filled with Water. This "Global Baptism" will, according to Native and religious prophets and prophecies, will significantly advance our global village to harmonize with nature, ecological responsibility, and spiritual integrity. People everywhere will unite musically to celebrate the healing harmony in Water and LOVE. This unprecedented interactive Internet broadcast over will engage an estimated 10 million or more viewers in this first ever experiment in awareness and understanding. Music played at 528 Hz, with heart-felt loving intention for peace, health, and more, will resonate the oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams, including your blood stream, for the LOVE of it! New research proves different types of water hold unique capabilities that can free humanity from every urgency. Learn more about water and the new way to hear music . . . in 528Hz. Even if you are home alone, everyone is invited to celebrate LIVE H2O, especially during the global prayer on Sunday, June 21st, at 5PM Pacific Standard Time. So mark your calendar now, and tell everyone you know to do the same. Let‘s co-create a Global Baptism during the greatest spiritual concert in history--all for the LOVE of Water! DRUM, PRAY and CHANT with the World, . . . Watch LiveH2o Streaming Live...... End
Page Updated Last on: Jun 10, 2009