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Follow on Google News | Thrive Learning Institute Donates Time and Money to the Cystic Fibrosis FoundationThrive Learning Institute sponsors their employees as they walk in Provo's annual Cystic Fibrosis Walk.
By: Thrive Learning Institute “I decided to help with the walk because my friends niece has cystic Fibrosis and they're getting closer to a cure. If they don't find one she can only expect her niece to live to her 30's. I think that's really sad; I can't imagine if that were my niece.” Cystic fibrosis is an inherited chronic disease that affects the digestive system and lungs of nearly 30,000 children and adults in the United States (70,000 worldwide). The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation was founded in 1955 very few children with CF lived to see elementary school but now, largely because of the steady, consistent effort of the Foundation, the average age of people with cystic fibrosis is 36.8 years! The Foundation is one of the most efficient organizations of its kind. In 2005, almost 90% of every dollar raised was available for investment in cystic fibrosis research, care and education programs. The National Institute of Health and other prestigious publications, including Forbes and USA Today, have heralded the Foundation, which fosters the discovery of progressive medications and developmental programs. When Thrive Learning Institute learned of it's employees involvement in the walk they were more than happy to pitch in and help out. Charlene Cummings at Thrive spoke highly of her company's contribution, “It's nice to be a part of a company that is so willing to contribute to a cause as great as this, with leadership that truly sees the need to give back to the community".” Thrive Learning Institute follows Google's mantra to "Not Be Evil" by focusing on providing industry leading service and setting a higher bar for local communities to be more involved in the communities that support them. # # # About Thrive Learning Institute: Thrive Learning Institute provides personal and practical education for today. They have improved the educational process by bringing it to a personal level. You no longer have to wait four years to be certified and you don't have to take classes you don't need or want. Thrive combines new wave products, innovative technology, and state of the art tools to help their students learn and apply the information needed to reach their educational goals. Thrive's personal training is based on proven principles that, when applied, produce positive results for success. End
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