Breaking New Inside Information To Be Released On Whitney Houston's New Record

The World As I Der see it has obtained new inside information regarding Whitney Houston's new CD titled "I Look To You"
By: Derek M. Sheldon
July 14, 2009 - PRLog -- I have direct information being presented to me about the new album by Whitney Houston titled, "I Look To You." I will be posing all of the the information on my web site very shortly. I can assure you that it is very detailed about her songs and her performance. The article will be  a twitterview and it contains a plethora of details. The full story should be posted by 6PM EST. If you are interested in hearing all about this new album, this story is geared just for you. Some highlights include new track titles, new songs with other artist, and her style. Her new record has been hidden and concealed by Arista in order to garner new support since Ms.Houston has been on a "sabbatical."  All the juicy details are at

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I generally will give my opinion on movies, film, music,life, news and whatever I choose to rant about like everyone else on the web, however I WILL BE different dammit...least I hope so!
Source:Derek M. Sheldon
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Tags:Whitney Houston, New Album, I Turn To You, New Information, Hot Details, Breaking News, Derek Sheldon, Twitterview
Location:Reading - Pennsylvania - United States
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