Magnetic Power Generator - How To Build Magnetic Generators To Generate Electricity

Learn how to build a magnetic power generator to power your house. Get to know the various uses and benefits of magnetic generators.
By: Andy O'Silliven
Aug. 9, 2009 - PRLog -- A magnetic power generator is basically a free energy generator. In other words, it uses magnets and magnetic force to induce perpetual motion. It runs by itself indefinitely without stopping, thus creating completely free electrical energy, which can fully power your home for free. A perpetual motion device refers to a machine that runs perpetually i.e. indefinitely, and produces a larger amount of energy than it consumes. Thus, it produces free energy indefinitely and runs by itself without having to need a third-party device or resource to power it.

The free energy devices have been suppressed by the corporate world because such devices would allow people to create their own energy for free, which would ultimately shut down the big energy corporations.

By constructing the magnetic power generator, you will be able to generate completely free electric energy, i.e. creating energy without needing any source of renewable or non-renewable energy. The generator powers itself and creates energy by itself without requiring solar energy, heat, water, coal or any kind of resource. This generator powers itself and works indefinitely without stopping, creating a large amount of energy.

Here are some of the benefits that a magnetic power generator installation manual has:

• It works in every home and requires only a small amount of space

• You can eliminate your power bill by 50% or even completely, depending on how you implement the magnetic generator

• It works in all conditions and can work in extreme hot or cold without any problem

• The material needed to build the magnetic generator is cheap and easily accessible anywhere in the world

• The process has been simplified and the steps are easy to follow, so even a complete novice would be able to follow them

• The installation package contains a bonus chapter about the backgrounds and history of this amazing device.

The efficiency of a Magnetic power generator:

A magnetic power generator can be efficiently used to power your home with almost zero costs on your side. Furthermore, the generator is eco-friendly and doesn't produce any harmful byproducts.

Hundreds of successful magnetic power generators have been built around the world, which proves that this technology really works. It is predicted that the technology will rapidly spread, and some industry-insiders even predict that the magnetic power generator will be the energy in the future. These experts estimate, that by 2020 energy companies will start implementing this technology in order to create cheaper and more environment friendly energy. Until that time comes, you can use this technology at a very reasonable set-up cost.

Safe for use:

The magnetic power generator is a safe system for use and operates well. It doesn't produce any harmful byproducts or gases, and there isn't any hazard concerning the generator itself. Even if you have young children, they may freely walk in the close vicinity of the generator.

The magnetic power generator is also a very eco-friendly solution because it doesn't pollute the environment. The generator itself isn't flammable or combustible, so it's completely safe.

Saving money:

The amount you can save by building the magnetic power generator can vary. If you decide to build the generator as a supplement to your current electrical installation, i.e. partially power your household, you can easily save anywhere in the range of 30-50%. This means that your power bill will reduce by 30-50%.

If you decide to implement a magnetic power generator on a full-scale, it will independently power your household meaning that you won't have to pay anything to the power company. The magnetic power generator will work by itself perpetually and generate 100% free electric energy.

If you are interested to learn how to build your own magnetic power generator, visit:

You may also want to get your DIY installation guide here:

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Andy O Silliven is an engineer and author in the fields of electrical engineering. He enjoys writing about the topic and keeping up with current events and research in the area of renewable energy sources. Recommends:
Source:Andy O'Silliven
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Tags:Magnetic Power Generator, Magnet, Magnetic Generator, Power Generator, Power, Electricity, Diy
Industry:Home, Energy, Environment
Location:West Palm Beach - Florida - United States
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