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Follow on Google News | How to recover and restore a dead DEll Inspiron 1501 BatteryBring a seemingly-dead laptop battery back to life, to a usable condition, although not quite like-new. It could be almost as good as a replacement laptop battery and a lot cheaper than a universal external laptop battery.
By: Well, consider replacing the internal DEll Inspiron 1501 Battery(http:// Simply follow the instructions below and save yourself some money. It will only cost you the time it takes to complete the list below. So do yourself a favour and do it yourself. 1. Place a dead DEll Inspiron 1501 Battery in a completely sealed plastic bag. 2. Place the bag and battery in your freezer for between 11-14 hours. 3. Remove the bag from your freezer and allow the dell battery return to room temperature after taking it out of the bag, this is very important. 4. If your DEll Inspiron 1501 Battery are still damp dry it using a cloth or towel. 5. Place your once dead laptop batteries back into your laptop. 6. Now completely charge your battery then leave it on to discharge it completely. Repeat this step at least 3-4 times. 7. Your dead battery should be much more usable, if not totally restored. Now you will need to make a note of the type of dell laptop battery you have and exactly, I repeat exactly how it is connected (wired) to each other. Just to be sure you could test your old batteries with a millimeter or similar device to see just what state they are in. If you touch these leaking batteries then dispose of them appropriately and then make sure you wash your hands thoroughly and you’re back in business. After confirming that they are in fact dead laptop batteries you will need to order some replacement batteries. To do this ensure the replacement have a higher milliamp value than the old ones, just slightly. When you receive your replacement laptop batteries put the new batteries in the correct positions and replace the wiring so you can do the necessary soldering. Make sure to use the appropriate safety equipment and double check all connections are correct. Once your laptop batteries are in place and everything confirmed you should test them with your millimetre to ensure they are working as expected. Reassemble the laptop battery pack and seal it properly. Re-install the laptop battery into your laptop and start enjoying your laptop’s new lease of life. These methods are great for batteries that are completely or almost dead and you save them from the recycling bin. # # # is here to help you obtain the best quality lowest priced batteries, battery chargers and electronic accessories. We specialize in those hard to find accessories and specialty items. This is why we have a huge selection that boasts more than 10,000 different models of batteries for adapters, charges, drivers and more. We have over 3,000 model specific batteries and chargers. With our great selection you are sure to find everything you need. However, if you can't find what you are looking for give us a call we would love to find it for you. End
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