Bad for Twitter, Great for US Homeowners

Residential property owners are embracing a new technology to provide faster access, and higher security. It means less twittering, but less aggravation too.
Oct. 15, 2009 - PRLog -- You don't need them when you unlock your car.

You can unlock your laptop this way now.

So why in the world do we use the same method of unlocking our homes in 2009 that the ancient Greeks used 4000 years ago.

Well, times are changing.  Thanks to innovative new fingerprint door locks, a growing number of homeowners no longer need a key to their house.

Too good to be true?

It's not.  Biometric identification technologies have been rapidly increasing in the number of applications that affect everyday living.

From computer security, to employee time-card machines, to safes, and in healthcare.

Now the lock for your home.

The next time you get the call from your kids they are locked out.  Or the next time, your spouse yells "where is the key!".  Or the next time you spend 3 minutes trying to hunt for the key in your purse, pockets, or briefcase while you are holding the milk and eggs, and trying to keep little Johnny from screaming, take a deep breath and remember there is a better deal than all this aggravation.

Affordable, secure, and easy to operate fingerprint locks can be bought online at stores like for a fraction of what you would pay to update your kitchen, or put in new carpet.

Biometric door locks are the perfect marriage of security and convenience.  We've all seen - airports - what happens when security is increased; convenience suffers.

Not with biometric locks.

Since you are guaranteed to have your key on you at all times, and since there is no way anyone could have a copy of your key, your security and convenience will increase exponentially.

The only drawback is you won't be able to twitter about how you're locked out of the house.  Yeah, we know, bummer right, twittering is cool.

Hey, maybe you'll twitter about how cool it is that you can unlock your front door with your fingerprint like they do in the movies.

Learn more about fingerprint door locks here -

Buy biometric locks here -

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Security matters. Using the 4000 year old lock and key approach simply doesn't cut it anymore. Demands on our time, and the increasing need for better security screams for a better way. See why keyless locks are revolutionizing everyday living.
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