Employees Are Far More Effective If They Can Think Critically.

Your employees need to be able to look beyond the obvious, and employ critical thinking skills to different situations. This ability will ensure enhanced and optimum results.
By: The Sergay Group, Ltd.
Nov. 11, 2009 - PRLog -- We all know that bad business decisions can lead to unintended, if not catastrophic results for a business or organization. With the correct training, this can be prevented, and indeed, can turn hazardous situations into opportunity.

The Sergay Group’s Critical Skills Workshop will enable participants to:

- Understand what critical thinking entails

- Assess their own critical thinking skills

- Utilize critical thinking techniques so as to analyze data, problems, and situations, and to  challenge their own and other's assumptions to get to the heart of the problem presenting itself

This is an essential part of any organizational development training strategy. The detailed structure of this course includes content such as understanding critical thinking, critical thinking techniques, application and critical thinking agility.

For more information http://www.sergaygroup.com/Employee-Development-Training.html

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The Sergay Group is a consulting firm that specializes in organizational development, organizational development training, leadership and employee development training and more.

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