Malibu Drug Rehab Treatment Center "SUNSET MALIBU" Broadens Scope of Substance Abuse Treatment

Malibu Luxury Drug Rehab Treatment Center SUNSET MALIBU continues to broaden their scope and depth of substance abuse treatment services as national statistics continue to rise.
By: Sober Nexus, LLC
Feb. 22, 2010 - PRLog -- A Malibu luxury drug rehab treatment center by the name of "Sunset Malibu" in Southern California continues to further enhance its intensity in the fight against chemical dependency.  With national figures on the rise concerning drug abuse in nearly all age brackets, especially within those less than 25 years of age, Sunset Malibu has taken an even more in-depth position in its fight to counter these saddening statistics.  

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, while drug related arrests had actually declined going from 2007 to 2008, the total quantity of seized controlled substances escalated significantly in respect to Marijuana, Hallucinogens and Methamphetamine.  Meanwhile, it is estimated that for every 1unit of seized narcotics, 20 make it through into the hands of the end-user, and though this statistic has no real way of being verified it does offer a general idea as to the growing trend.

Sunset Malibu has been successful in far exceeding the national statistics regarding alcoholism and substance abuse recovery treatment with chemicals like; cocaine/crack-cocaine, opiates & opioids (heroin, Vicodin, Oxycontin, Percocet, etc), Benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, etc) and others alike.  With the current rise in Methamphetamine abuse (speed, crank, crystal, meth, etc) they have once again gone to new lengths with their treatment protocol.  As stated on their company website at they openly state, "Too many treatment centers treat meth addiction like any other habit. They release patients too quickly, virtually assuring a relapse."

Aside from the obvious high-end, luxurious mystique they offer their clients, the professional staff accounts for some of the most highly trained and credited addiction treatment specialists throughout the world.  While the Sunset Malibu Recovery Program would certainly not fall into the "Discount Treatment" category, the depth of services and ability to mold the treatment plan around the needs of the individual would clearly account for the numbers they boast.  In addition to the in-depth multidisciplinary approach they take, they go on to add, "We actually purge the lingering effects of the drug from the body. This is done with a variety of unorthodox but caring treatments, including sweat therapy, vitamin programs and nutritional therapy."  Coupled within this protocol each client will work with a private physician, psychiatrist and therapist during the time in primary treatment.

Sunset Malibu is located in Los Angeles, California (near Zuma Beach) and provides its treatment services for those suffering from drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction, eating disorders and co-occurring disorders such as, depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.  They treat both men and women and offer multiple levels of treatment starting with intervention, medical detoxification, primary treatment, secondary treatment, transitional treatment and planning, aftercare support and guidance through sober living onward.  They have highly trained admissions counselors available 24/7 at (800) 332-9202 and assure total confidentiality.  As of recent, they have become involved with Sober Nexus, a national online platform featuring reputable treatment facilities and sober living homes.  You can learn much more on Sunset Malibu by visiting their company website mentioned above, or at

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Ron Prosky is the Treatment Center Account Manager & Facility Liaison with Sober Nexus, LLC. Sober Nexus is a national online search provider of reputable substance abuse treatment centers and sober living homes geared to better assist those in need of help with addiction; while also enabling such facilities to more efficiently harness the vast benefits of new Web 2.0 marketing technologies.
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