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Follow on Google News | Open Source Earth Meeting to discuss Open Source and Resource Based Sustainability.Open Source Earth International Non-Governmental Organization exists to educate people about how to incorporate Open Source and Resource Based sustainability into their personal and business lives.
By: Open Source Earth Open Source Earth is an International Non-Governmental Organization whose mission is to educate people of Earth about Open Source and Resource Based practices, and to get people to use those principles to create what is needed to sustain Human life. The term Open Source comes from Open Source Software programs such as Linux, which are given away for free, and are developed by a community. It is possible although not necessary to make money from the software in the ways of implementation, technical support, consulting, and so on. Resource based comes from the concepts of Jacques Fresco and the Venus Project. An example of a Resource Based practice as opposed to current economic practices is for example if a school is falling down, people in charge of keeping that building from falling down might say that there is no money to fix it, even though there is endless concrete, endless steel and other materials to fix it. Since many of the resources are owned, it is possible to grow the resources that are needed, specifically for these projects. Open Source Earth could also be an answer to what seems to be happening in the global economy today. If we backup our computer data, why not have a backup for how we live. Open Source Earth was formed as a Trans-National Social Movement Organization and has 3,500+ people in it's network around the world. It was formed to use the power of numbers, and increased probability to solve the problems that face humanity today. Sharing knowledge for alternative ways to live and inspiring people to use these technologies where they are in the world to better conditions. With Open Source Earth, Technologies are Open Sourced, giving the concepts and designs away rather than patenting them for sale or licencing, empowering people with the tools to create what is needed to live and flourish. Technologies such as BioGas Digesters, the effluent of which can be used to grow food, textile, medicine, plants that can be used as building materials, oil producing plants, fuel, plastic or other crops in an organic hydroponics system. These basic materials can be used to build societies, raise conditions, and combined with education, create sustainable systems and sustainable individuals who can create personal and collective abundance. Aquaponics uses fish effluent to grow plants, that can be used to feed fish to grow more plants, and people. It's a synergetic system. Atmospheric Water generators create high quality water from the moisture in the air and can be used to create the water needed for growing plants for food, and for water to drink. Rotating gardens reduce the time needed to grow fully mature plants up to 5 times, due to rotating the plant in a large cylinder. The plant's fighting against gravity causes it to consume more nutrients and grow faster, making these systems more suitable for troubled areas in the world, and for functioning as the production side of a restaurant or other business where the plants are grown upstairs. All of these systems can be combined together in buildings made of shipping containers, which provide a pre-fabricated, sturdy, earthquake-proof structure. A traditional soil farm can be converted into an eco-village, not only incorporating increased yields from advanced agriculture, but space to turn grown crops into other finished products which can be retailed or displayed on the bottom floor. The same model can be used for restaurants, fuel, housewares, and even a building that makes the parts for more buildings. The systems can be incorporated into existing buildings as well, such as the abandoned skyscrapers in Detroit, USA. The use of these systems can remove the human being from the survival state to pursue goals that allow self growth and enrichment. With strong, healthy sane individuals, we create strong, healthy, sane societies. As above, so below. We have so much abundance today that it is ridiculous for people in 2010 living in technologically advanced societies to be looking for ways to survive and flourish. Farmers that are seeking alternative sources of income can use these practices, and still use solar to generate power by putting the solar panels on the roofs of the container buildings. Open Source Earth is seeking the participation of farmers locally in Germany who would like to incorporate some of these concepts to multiply yields and create multiple streams of income. Open Source Earth hopes to give away the technologies, and earn income from consulting and design services. Open Source Earth has partnered with Omega Garden of Canada and Dewpointe of the USA to buy their systems wholesale to send to Haiti to create long term solutions to the disasters that have occurred there. Open Source Earth is holding it's first meeting at the Frankfurt am Main Main Train Station on March 28th, 2010 at 12:00 noon using the Open Space Meeting format, where everyone will have a voice. The website is at and the email is at OpenSourceEarth@ # # # Open Source Earth is a Trans-National Social Movement Organization founded by Mathew Marlin Mallory Phillips and is based in Rüsselsheim, Germany. End