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Follow on Google News | Coal Prices Increase - Clean Coal Chemical Technology using Combustion Catalyst set to save tonnes.Asia's coal shortage has rapidly increased coal prices worldwide. Power plants struggle to find adequate and reliable coal supplies at reasonable prices. ASIA COAL CATALYST COMPANY offers China / India an affordable, simplistic Clean Coal Technology.
By: Evan W. Lipstein, CEO Asia Coal Catalyst Company ASIA COAL CATALYST COMPANY offers China / India an affordable, simplistic Clean Coal Technology for the estimated 3,000,000 Coal-Fired Industrial Process Heating Boilers and Municipal Heating Boiler Markets. ASIA COAL CATALYST COMPANY offers CC-88, a simple, inexpensive clean coal technology (CCT) that saves coal by burning it more thoroughly. CC-88 Coal Catalyst reduces the amount of black smoke laden with wasted carbon which is also the harmful emissions of carbon monoxide, sulfur and nitrogen. Explosive population growth and increased urbanization has driven Asia's insatiable demand for coal over the past 30 years. This trend for coal and more coal is expected to continue at an even faster rate in upcoming years, with greatest demand coming from China and India. While the spread of clean coal technology (CCT) has helped in curbing pollution and green house gas emissions; most CCT technologies are quite costly. Retrofitting gas scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators and installing other emissions control devices require design planning, a large capital purchase and finally installation of the pollution emissions control equipment. Many industrial coal users throughout Asia such as India and China are challenged to adequately fund minimal pollution control initiatives. What Is A Combustion Catalyst? In Chemistry, catalysts are widely known and are regularly used to speed up chemical reactions. CC-88 works in the same way. The flammability of a given material (fuel) is strongly dependent on the concentration and the excitation of free radicals. A critical of excited free radicals must be obtained before flame initiation and propagation reactions dominate, leading to combustion of the material. During the coal combustion process, the oxidizing agents in ACCC’s Coal Catalyst CC-88 promote increased movement of free radicals. This helps to promote the physical and chemical reactions that occur during combustion. What is Incomplete Coal Combustion? Coal is a complex mixture of carbon and hydrogen containing molecules, molecules of nitrogen, sulfur and other metallic elements including mercury and other toxic metals. Poor quality coal can be very high-moisture and often contain more impurities. Low BTU Coal does not burn as clean as high quality coal. China and India burn a lot of raw coal in traveling grate boiler systems. The chain grate boilers are highly inefficient and can be very polluting. Often time’s boiler operators are forced to use very poor quality lignite coal resulting in incomplete combustion and heavy emissions. CC-88 speeds up propagation and movement of free radicals. This releases more oxygen molecules to the carbon molecules (contained in the fuel), and at lower temperatures than normal combustion temperatures. The net effect is to add nothing to the carbon-oxygen chemistry, just to speed it up. CC-88 speeds oxidation. The combustion process is made faster and because of the lower ignition temperatures more carbon is consumed. Coal Catalyst CC-88 turns more of the available carbon contained in any fuel into valuable and usable heat energy. Coal Catalyst helps eliminate incomplete and inefficient combustion, converting carbon waste into valuable and usable heat energy. # # # Coal Combustion Catalyst Our Patent Pending Coal Catalyst products offer clean coal combustion and reduce harmful emissions. Coal Catalyst improves energy efficiency and reduces your operating costs. CC-88 eliminates carbon waste, which improves coal fired boiler performance by reducing slagging and fouling of the boiler system. Please visit our products pages to learn more about the benefits of coal catalyst. Benefits of Coal Catalyst CC-88 Clean coal combustion Improve coal conservation Improve the environment Reduce carbon particulate emissions Reduce SO2, SO3 and NOX emissions Improve heat transfer Reduces net CO2 emissions Provide significant return on investment Clean Coal Target Markets and Equipment China consumes in excess of 2.5 billion tonnes of coal per annum utilizing upwards of 1.1 million chain grate stoker fired boilers. CC-88 Combustion Catalyst will improve combustion efficiency by as much as 15%. End