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Follow on Google News | Doe Your Brain Need Exercise? - Spacelocker.comDoes your brain need some exercise? A natural place for exercise is a gymnasium. So take it to a brain gymnasium. If you are wondering what is a brain gymnasium let me explain. It’s the new “e-world” all around you
By: Gabriela Schmid Research shows that with activity your brain will continue to grow late in life. Therefore it is never too late to give it an e-boost. In an article in, the author suggests the following 10 ways to e boost your brain: “1. Surf the Web: A recent study hinted at the possibility that using an online search engine for an hour a day can boost your overall brain activity. (Keep it in moderation, though, lest you develop Attention Deficit Disorder or severe social ineptitude.) 2. Use a Wii: If the evidence that exercise increases brain growth doesn’t get you up and moving, consider the fact that obese people have an elevated risk of developing Alzheimer’s. Abdominal fat in particular secretes inflammatory chemicals that affect the brain, so get a Wii Fit and start doing some crunches! 3. Listen to iTunes: There is evidence that certain music can increase your learning and retention ability, as well as your concentration and alertness. 4. Play Games: Recent studies have shown that puzzles and word games can improve your ability to focus, and there are dozens of free crossword and suduko websites online, in addition to newspaper sites that regularly feature such puzzles. Even video games can increase cognitive abilities, even if you don’t play ones targeted at your brain, like Big Brain Academy, Mega Brain Boost or Brain Age. 5. Watch TV Shows: What?!? There is a God! Yes, there is evidence that contradicts popular belief that TV turns viewers into drooling zombies, and one study found that kids who watched more TV early in life did slightly better on standardized tests. Of course, it largely depends on what is being watched, so don’t expect those hours of Knight Rider reruns to turn you into a genius. The good news is that nowadays, you don’t even have to have a TV to watch TV, as networks put more and more content on their websites and on general sites like the Internet Movie Database. 6. Read an E-Book: This is a no-brainer (pun intended), but reading is good for your brain. Reading not only helps you learn and boosts your vocabulary, but it also trains your brain to become more focused, increasing your memory and ability to reason. You can download free books at sites like Project Gutenberg, the Internet Archive and Google, or you can use e-book readers like’s Kindle if you’re on the go. (I hear Oprah loves it.) 7. Be Optimistic: According to recent studies, the power of positive thought could be the real deal, with optimistic people suffering fewer strokes and recovering more quickly than pessimists. Browse the myriad of motivational, inspirational and self-improvement sites on the Web and find one that strikes a chord with you. 8. Laugh: 9. Take a Quiz: It’s a fact: nerds live longer. Have you ever seen a burly, athletic 90-year-old? 10. Stimulate Yourself: It all comes down to stimulation. Practically anything that stimulates the brain is a good thing, and Lord knows there’s plenty of stimulation on the Internet. One of the keys is to avoid a stagnant routine. Learn a new language, visit new sites, pick up new hobbies, study new topics. Just don’t limit yourself to your usual bookmarked sites (Sorry, Stuff On My Cat.).” So sign up to and start surfing the website. Meet new people. Try some of the social games. Connect some stuff. Your brain cells will have a great workout # # # Spacelocker is the first school locker on the internet. It connects to friends from various social networks, interact with them in a multitude of ways, play games with them, and share music, pictures and videos with them; all from one place. End
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