Fast Fat Loss Achieved By Raising Metabolism

Boosting the body’s metabolism through specially-designed weight-loss workouts and the right eating habits have been shown to be the answer to fast fat loss and maintaining a lean figure.
By: Dante Solaris
July 17, 2010 - PRLog -- The World Wide Web- Recent figures by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say obesity is on the rise in the U.S. despite the economic hardship experienced by a lot of Americans. Though there are various causes ranging from a high-calorie diet (like those in the South) to sedentary urban lifestyles, for most folks, the solution may simply lie in raising their metabolism through specialized fat loss exercises and the right eating habit.

Our metabolic rate determines how fast our body utilizes the calories we store through all those frosted doughnuts and pizzas we snack on each day. The lower out metabolism is therefore, the harder it will be for us to get burn-up excess calories. Sitting around in our cars and behind the office desk for most of the day compounds the problem of having surplus calories in our bellies and thighs.

True, our level of metabolism is dictated partially by our genes, but that doesn’t mean we’re helpless. Boosting our body’s calorie-burning capabilities through metabolic resistance training and eating properly can get us on the road to fat-loss and a fit and healthy life.

Metabolic workouts which consist of specially-designed exercise movements done at different levels of intensities harness the body’s energy pathways. This not only enables us to burn calories continuously (even after workouts), but it improves muscle balance and joint-strength as well. According to Kareem Samhouri, Doctor of Physical Therapy and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, “Metabolic training helps people lose fat while rehabilitating joints at the same time.”

A proper eating habit can also compliment a fat-busting metabolic exercise program. By eating small, frequent meals throughout the day (as opposed to simply cutting-back on calorie intake), we keep our blood sugar from spiking and prevent over-eating. Choosing the right foods to eat at the right time can also do wonders in keeping our metabolism high, letting us avoid the onset of excess fat more easily.

Dr. Kareem Samhouri is the owner of Global Fitness LLC, a physical therapy and personal training company. He has helped thousands of people learn how to exercise properly all over the world. Dr. K is available for interviews, or to discuss other stories related to fitness, networking, and business growth. He can be reached at (215) 891 9500 or by email at:

For even more information related to fast fat loss through Metabolic Training and other free fitness advice, please visit:


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