Depressive or Impressive Retirement?

Retirement is subjective. Since 1986 we have been given sole responsibility to build our retirement. We past the buck, literally; past our hard earned "bucks" to someone else to manage. Are we depressed or impressed with our results?
By: Jody Hill
Aug. 18, 2010 - PRLog -- I'm one of those in my early 50's learning more about how I can create an impressive retirement. A retirement portfolio that takes care of giving me a strong sense of security and the satisfaction of what I accomplished. The government won't have a hand in my retirement because I learned how to play their game. I learned how to keep my portfolio protected and safe to use without penalties. Isn't it time you do the same?

I read an article from Andrea Coombes in MarketWatch on Social Security. As she pulled the statistics on how many use Social Security for their sole retirement portfolio, it was amazing and sad at the same time.  WOW, really sad to see someones lack of responsibility for their own welfare.  In reality, did they have a choice? We were handed the sole responsibility to manage and grow our own retirement since 1986. The government handed it back to us, sadly without any direction. The only choice was to hand our money off to someone who sold us on them knowing what they were doing.  In essence, we gave our money to someone who saw a need and started up a business. If they can do it, why can't we? We can start up our own business and build our retirement within the same boundaries as they can.

I want to be the one who is secure from my own efforts. Learning the game and play by the rules, rules the government set up. Andrea states:  "if you're in your mid-50s or younger, it's time to make alternate arrangements.The program's dismal outlook has long been known, but the recent economic crisis further scarred the program's finances, bringing closer the day of reckoning when receipts no longer cover benefit payouts."

Social Security was a great plan. A plan for those who worked their whole life for someone else. A system for the government to take care of their elderly.  What happens if you didn't take that path? or you didn't retire from a "job" after 30 years? Now what? Here's a few thoughts; Working for someone else, the slave, save, retire theory isn't working in 2010. Jobs were created to recover from the Great Depression era, that was the Industrial age. We are now in the Information age.  Traditional education grew out of competing for jobs, doing what was required to show employers you are better qualified. Once again, set up to get through the Industrial age. What can we do to position ourselves in the Information age?  

Let's learn from the past and learn how to harmonize the two eras.  The Industrial age, during and after the Great Depression was a time people had years of nothing, then years of great abundance. They learned how to stretch the dollar vs learning how money works and grows. When the abundance started dying down, credit cards came into play. Buy now and pay later. Look at where that has got us?  So in debt and we don't have a clue on how to get out. We haven't learned how money works and grows!  1% of the wealthy have earned and built their wealth through business ownership and real estate investing. Are you ready to join the 1% club? Go to

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As a Real Estate Investor, I own multiple properties. I am a Mentor/Advisor. With education many have generated wealth for their financial freedom through tools that build confidence in acquiring their own Real Estate portfolio
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