AUSN Meets with Veterans Affairs Secretary Shinseki and Assistant Secretaries on Veterans Issues

Secretary Shinseki Vows Improvements; Opens Lines of Communication Between VA and VSOs and MSOs
Sept. 20, 2010 - PRLog -- During a two-day special meeting held September 15 and 16, 2010, with Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs) and Military Service Organization (MSOs) at the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Association of the United States Navy (AUSN)’s Director of Government Affairs, Captain Ike Puzon, USN, met with Secretary Shinseki and all VA Under and Assistant Secretaries to understand and discuss key programs for Veterans from all eras, and their families. Secretary Shinseki vowed to improve in three areas: access for veterans, breaking the backlog for claims, and improving service to veterans from all eras.

This was a first-of-kind event for VSOs and MSOs to meet and interact with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs along with his highest ranking Under and Assistant Secretaries and Directors of Veterans Services. The working session and meetings were extraordinarily informative and initiated the start of a new path for interface between VSOs and MSOs in supporting Veterans, service members, and their families. The interface with senior leadership was open and positive. The comprehensive two day event was by special invitation for 56 associations.

“This is was an extraordinary, transparent meeting with Veterans Administration leadership. Every leader from Secretary Shinseki down took time to meet with VSOs, explain programs, and answer questions and concerns. This has never been done before! This shows a major move forward in service to Veterans,” said Puzon.

President Obama and The White House staff fully supported the briefings and interaction with those VSOs and MSOs present and provided a special video from President Obama that was viewed by the attendees. Briefs were given by the VA Directors of Benefits Assistance, Veterans Benefits Management Systems, Facilities Management-Construction, Acquisitions, Minority Veterans, Center of Women Veterans, Office of Rural Health, Faith-Based Partnerships, and Telehealth, and the VA Executive Director of OSDVOB, VA Chief of Patient Care, VA Chief of Research and Development.

Besides meeting and listening to Secretary Shinseki’s top priorities; Captain Puzon had the opportunity to understand and ask questions of Secretary Shinseki’s Chief of Staff, and the following Assistant Secretaries; Under Secretary for Health, Robert A. Petzel; Under Secretary for Benefits, Michael Walcoff; Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations, Joan M. Evans; Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Administration, John U. Sepulveda; Assistant Secretary for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs, L. Tammy Duckworth; Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs Ronald E. Walters; Principal Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology, Steven W. Warren; and Senior Staff from the White House.

Secretary Shinseki stated that serving Veterans is the number one priority and VA needs the assistance of VSOs and MSOs in making it happen and invited all those present to visit his Under Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries offices to have questions answered. As well, the senior leadership at VA invited follow-up meetings with their offices after presentations. AUSN has already scheduled some meetings to discuss issues and concerns of AUSN members.

These interactive meetings will be scheduled on rotational basis every six months.

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Headquartered in Alexandria, VA, the Association of the United States Navy (AUSN) is a non-profit, professional military association representing nearly 20,000 members. AUSN represents active duty, reserve and retired Navy members and their families.

Since 1957, AUSN has been the leading voice for America’s Sailors and the premier advocate for a strong Navy, AUSN represents Navy people on Capitol Hill. The Association also provides career and professional development guidance, information on benefits and pay, college scholarships for dependents, and publishes a monthly magazine. Visit for more information.
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