Canada Drug Rehab Centers: Beware Of False Success Rate Claims

Misleading Drug Rehab Success Rate claims, lure unsuspecting and vulnerable patients into Narconon Rehab Centers. These claims of a 70% - 76% success rate, and even higher in some Narconon Centers are misleading and false. Buyer Beware!
By: David Edgar Love
Oct. 14, 2010 - PRLog -- The Narconon Program is entirely based on the writings of L. Ron Hubbard and controlled by ABLE Canada, Narconon International, and the Church of Scientology. This program is advertised as secular when in fact it is based entirely on Scientology religious and cult doctrines.

I was employed at Narconon Trois-Rivieres as a Course Room Supervisor, as a Registrar, as IC Foundation (“In Charge of Building a new Charitable Foundation”), and my last Post before resigning was Graduate Officer.

During my employment, I noticed that the advertised and promoted “success rate” of graduates from this rehab program, was far below the marketed seventy to seventy-six percent (70%-76%) rate.

All of my examinations and calculations indicated that the advertised and promoted success rate was far below 70%. In fact it was approximately 46% using Narconon’s own computer data. This 46% success rate represents post graduates only and does not take into account the patients who did not complete the program. It also does not include post graduate staff members who relapsed, which were several in the past two years. When taking the aforesaid into account, the Success Rate falls far below 20%.

The high “success rate”, which every Narconon in the world claims, is what I consider the key to Narconon’s ability to make money and fill Scientology’s coffers. It is this advertised and promoted high success rate, which lures the unsuspecting and vulnerable public into this Narconon program of exploitation. These people have a high expectation of success, which is clearly a misrepresentation.

The Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services and the Quebec Ombudsman are keeping a “close” watch over this organization, as stated in two recent newspaper articles. In my opinion, there are definite health risks and dangers to patients who attend this facility.

Quote from March 22, 2010 Newspaper article:

".....Just days after the publication of statements made by David Edgar Love, a former patient who became an employee and is now speaking out against certain methods used by the centre, the Mauricie Health and Social Services Agency [Agence de santé et de services sociaux de la Mauricie] said it will be keeping an eye on Narconon....."

The Church of Scientology in Canada is a convicted criminal organization and it has clear influence over all the affairs at Narconon Trois-Rivieres, Narconon Canada, ABLE Canada, and Narconon International.

One Health Board recently stated:

"No scientifically well-controlled studies were found that documented the safety of the Narconon program. There are potential dangers from the use of non-medical staff who may be unable to interpret the possibility of seizures, delirious, cardiac arrhythmia, or hallucinations that are phenomena associated with the cessation of drugs. There is also a potential risk of the reported reexperience of the abused drug effect during the sauna sweat out program may be the result of misinterpreted symptoms of hyperthermia or electrolyte imbalance. Moreover, the multiple findings of fact heretofore entered by the Board establish that Narconon's program is not safe.

Not only are their success rate claims false, but vulnerable patients easily fall prey to these statements when they search for help online. Narconon has many hundreds of websites which lure people in by claiming and publishing their 70% success rate claims on the web pages. These ill and vulnerable people become vicims and are exploited.

If you are seeking help for your addiction to drugs or alcohol or seeking help for a loved one, do your research first. Google: Narconon Exposed. Talk to your own personal physician and be open and honest. Inform him that part of the Narconon Program is entering a Sauna at high temperatures for 5 hours every day for weeks on end, taking doses of Niacin as high as 2,600mg to 5,000mg in one single dose. These dangers will be covered in a future story.

Many people become ill and rushed to local hospital emergencies for care.

There are no doctors, nurses, or any professional, certified medical care worker at Narconon and the dangers are evident.

There are ongoing investigations in Canada concerning Narconon, including Health Canada, Human Rights Commission, Labour Relations Board, Quebec Health and Social Services, and other pending government complaints and inquiries.

Buyer Beware!

David Edgar Love
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