Lower My Power Bill - by 30%-50% Without Changing Your Budget Is Now Available!!

PowerBillSavings.com - provides homeowners with the ability to reduce their family’s power bill by 30%-50%, all the while preserving Our planets environment.
By: Richard Preisig
Oct. 29, 2010 - PRLog -- Lower My Power Bill
News Release: Fall 2010

There is now a 30%-50% Lifetime coupon on your power bill.  $300 power bills are now $150-$210 and your power company is paying for it? Yes!

Call it a creation of necessity or a well deserved, first look behind the curtain for the residents of Florida; PowerBillSavings.com -  http://www.LowerMyPowerBill.com provides homeowners with the ability to reduce their family’s power bill by 30%-50% and more, all the while preserving Our planets environment.  What makes this new available program so beneficial is the fact that homeowners can now offset the cost of their power bills without changing their budget.  In fact, it's the power companies; Progress Energy, Florida Power and Light, OUC, etc. that are picking up the bill.

Since 2008, PowerBillSavings.com has performed over 10,000 no cost, no obligation energy evaluations for Florida families every year.


With the average monthly power bill tipping $250 in the state of Florida, it's becoming clear that this $3,000 a year and climbing commitment to the power company may not be such a good idea.  

Progress Energy Nuclear Plant Fee APPROVED.

"You WILL Pay an Additional $5.53 per month", says Progress Energy!
The 4-0 PSC vote means an average user will pay $5.53 per month.

Let's take a closer look.

Since 2007 electricity costs, for Floridians, have skyrocketed and the 11% increase in 2007 was only the beginning, in 2008 the average electricity cost went up 17%, in 2009 it went up 25%, in 2010 they asked for 30% more and they’re asking for another 30% for 2011. As all of these increases hit Florida’s homeowners hard, right in their pocketbooks, FP&L and Progress Energy have the gall to post the largest net profits in their company’s history.  

Over 50% of the money you spend on your power bill every month is spent on your air conditioning and heating (and that can reach as high as 70% in summer months), 25% is percent is spent on hot water heating, 12% is spent on your appliances, 8% spent on cooking and 5% is spent on lighting. You can see that just by turning off a few lights you really can't have much of an impact on your electric bill.

If you reduce your cooking you may only reduce your electric bill by 1% or 2% along with other appliances but the place that you can make the most dramatic and permanent change in the money that you spend on energy is obviously in your heating and air conditioning.

With new technology comes energy savings.  How Much Can I Save?

With the a Solar Shield - the effectiveness of attic insulation alone vs. the Solar Shield patented radiant barrier coupled with attic insulation is unparalleled. Insulation alone struggles to prevent the radiant heat from passing into your living areas.  

The Department of Energy rates the Eco Shield technology as the number one most effective technology to prevent downward radiant heat flow. The Eco Solar Shield is the same technology that NASA used to develop the space suits that our astronauts wear to protect them from the 1,000 degree swings in radiant temperature while walking in space.

ThermoCool™ - powered by is a patented product scientifically formulated to increase heat transfer in A/C and refrigeration systems. Thermonomics, the engine behind ThermoCool™, was originally developed by three scientists and awarded a U.S. patent after 20 years of development and testing, with no negative effects on equipment. Thermonomics improves the efficiency of air conditioners, chillers, and refrigerant systems, thereby reducing the cost of operation. it reflects a very powerful and very real idea: the process of turning waste energy into usable dollars.  

How Much Can I Save with ThermoCool™?  Find out by scheduling a free in home energy evaluation and cut your power bill.

ThermoCool saves a homeowner an average of 5% to 10% off the cooling portion of the energy bill.  Furthermore, it's proven to increase the life span of your air conditioner(s) by 3 to 5 years, as it increases the lubricity by 1,500%.

FEMP (Federal Energy Management Program) reports that the addition of Thermonomics® resulted in the following outcomes in the installations tested:
•   Reduced operating costs
•   Extended capacity
•   Reduce run time
•   Reduced mechanical friction
•   Extended equipment life
•   Quieter operation

The energy we use here in America comes from a couple of different sources. Primarily it comes from the oil, in the early 1900’s oil was a cheap source of energy, historically a barrel of oil would net 300 units of energy for every barrel that was spent to find, extract, and refine it in the 1970’s that number dropped to 20 units of energy for every one unit spent to find, extract, and refine it. Unfortunately that is no longer the case anymore. Today oil only nets about 8 units of energy for every unit spent to find, extract, and refine it, and as the world continues to industrialize, in the future it will take the energy of one barrel of oil to find, extract and refine one barrel of oil and from there on further extraction is pointless! I think that you would agree that it doesn't make any sense to spend a dollar to earn a dollar, well Exxon and Mobile agree with you! When it’s no longer profitable to produce oil they will stop.

# # #

With hurricane season behind the residents of Florida, the dreaded monthly electric bill still lies ahead.

That's right, with escalating electric bills from thieves like OUC, Progress Energy, and FPL (all monopolizing their areas) comes decisions like how much less money do we have to support our kids and grandchildren. How many less Christmas and Hanukah presents will the kids get this year? These are amongst the greatest concerns of homeowners in the sunshine State, as the price of kilowatts has gone up year over year.

"The Good News Is," Power Bill Savings - http://PowerBillSavings.com has come up with a way to work with the Florida power companies to allow homeowners to keep tens of thousands of dollars if they retrofit their homes with energy savings products such as the Radiant Barrier which reflects 97% of the radiant heat that penetrates your attic space causing your air conditioner to run 25-30% longer.
Source:Richard Preisig
Email:***@lowermypowerbill.com Email Verified
Tags:Lower Power Bill, Lower Electricity Bills, Save Money On My Energy Bill, Thermo Cool, Eco Solar Shield, Tax Credit
Industry:Energy, Financial, Home
Location:Boca Raton - Florida - United States
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Page Updated Last on: May 31, 2011

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