Make the Investment In Free Home Energy Upgrades! - Offered by: Lower My Power Bill

Are you fed up with your monthly power bill? Does your monthly electric bill now exceed your car payment? Take action and schedule a free energy evaluation to determine if you too can lower your power bill by 30%-50% while not changing your budget.
By: Rich Preisig
Nov. 27, 2010 - PRLog -- There comes a time when enough is enough. Being preyed upon by the Florida power companies like Progress Energy, OUC, FPL, etc., has just got to stop.  There are unemployed homeowners (primary earners of the home) who are struggling to pay their mortgage, never mind the never fail to show up in your mail box; power bill.  

There are homeowners who live on fixed income and can barely keep up with the power bill rates increasing year over year and must discount their quality of Life by keeping the air conditioning higher in the summer and turning the heat down in the winter.  Do you think the CEO of Progress Energy with his multimillion dollar yearly bonuses is living this way or even takes notice of the homeowners who do?

Snap!  You can now wake up from this horrible dream as the Lower My Power Bill Company - 800.407.1954) has figured out a way to lower your power bills and permanently.  This news couldn't have come sooner, as you can now upgrade your home with solar energy saving appliances and materials that enable you to lower your kilowatt usage by 30%-50% hence, you've now lowered your monthly electric bill payments by the same percentage.  $300 power bills are now $150-$200 and the homeowner ends up using the money they would have given the power company anyway to pay for these home energy saving upgrades.  Learn more (

It’s a terrific aligning of the stars when you have the $3,800 tax credit, government support of replacing America’s dependency on foreign oil with solar energy and alternative energy resources, manufacturer’s discounts, all with no money upfront or change in monthly budget.  You’re simply taking your monthly savings and putting it into your own home. With a payoff or breakeven of 4-6 years, it’s a wonderful thing to use the money you would have given the power company anyway to upgrade your home to permanent power bill savings -

This is certainly a win-win for all parties; the homeowner, the increasing green energy job market and last, but not least the environment.  Did you know that if we call took personal accountability for our energy consumption and only lowered it by 30%, we wouldn't be dependent on another drop of foreign oil?

When you make conscious decisions to "go green"  it would first make sense to understand some of the basics. Search - search green energy - on Google and develop a broader understanding of how saving the environment is directly correlative to lower my power bill and yours.

There are 3 components to understand and then do in order to start making a significant difference in your energy usage and out of pocket spending on electricity electricity each month.

Step (1)  Determine what your average power bill is over a period of 12 months. Your power bill will naturally be higher in the summer and lower in the winter, so figure out the average.  If your average monthly power bill is in excess of $150 per month, then you need to go to step 2.  If your power bill is less than $150 you're likely conserving energy as you should and we all thank you for that, including the planet.

Step (2)  Schedule an in-home Free Energy Evaluation from the LowerMyPowerBill Company.  This free home energy inspection will be performed by a licensed, bonded and insured contractor who will walk you through your home while pointing out and thoroughly explaining where your energy loss is.  This is similar to a home inspection that you had done before you bought your home, but to specifically find the areas of your home that are wasting the most electricity.

Step (3)  To go green, you need to know green, so here's the scoop.  You, the homeowner are now in a position to upgrade your home with solar energy saving appliances and materials with no upfront money or any money out of pocket including the free energy evaluation, the solar energy upgrades that will lower your power bill by 30%-50% on average while getting the government's $3,800 pay for it. So, do not pay anyone upfront to perform an energy evaluation.

Step (4)  Schedule your savings today.  Call 800.407.1954 for more information on how you too can lower my power bill and yours too while we search green energy.

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Call it a creation of necessity or a well deserved, first look behind the curtain for the residents of Florida; Lower My Power Bill Company -™ - provides homeowners with the ability to lower my power bill by 30%-50% all while preserving Our planets environment.

What makes this new available program so beneficial is the fact that homeowners can now offset the cost of their power bills without changing their budget. In fact, it's the power companies; Progress Energy, Florida Power and Light, OUC, etc. that are picking up the bill.

Since 2008,™ has performed over 10,000 no cost, no obligation energy evaluations for Florida families every year.

With the average monthly power bill tipping $250 in the state of Florida, it's becoming clear that this $3,000 a year and climbing commitment to the power company may not be such a good idea.
Source:Rich Preisig
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Tags:Lower My Power Bill, Power Bill Savings, Free Energy Evaluation, Obama $3, 800, Search Green Energy
Industry:Consumer, Energy, Real Estate
Location:United States
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Page Updated Last on: Apr 18, 2011

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