Excellent leadership development training with Corplearning

CLI offer executive coaching, experiential learning, Chicago business coach, Strategic Team Building, and On Target Performance Coaching (individual and team) at our Chicago team building partner site.
By: Corporate Learning Institute
Dec. 11, 2010 - PRLog -- Lisle, Il- The Corporate Learning Institute announces new team building strategies hoping to rebound in 2011. The new CLI annual ebrochure is now available on the CLI website, www.corplearning.com, and contains many new training programs.

Team building strategies are important for an organization to function efficiently in turbulent times.  CLI has responded with a fresh batch of team training and Experiential learning workshops. The new team building offering include the High Performance workshop as well as innovation training, communication training, problem solving training, time management training, leadership development training and community building and development at work.

Team building activities in your organization should include a realistic assessment of your needs and budget constraints. CLI can help you target the training needed, and avoid unnecessary expenses.  Your strategy should include asking CLI to develop a needs assessment and designing the best options for your company.

CLI begins with the needs assessment process to determine the real needs of your organization and management consultant. Then, CLI works with you to determine the best approach for developing a given team. Time, budget, and skill development needs should center the development process. Finally, CLI delivers the training services and provides a follow-up evaluation as well as next step training opportunities for your company. Contact CLi ay (630) 971-5074 for a proposal today.

For more information about Experiential learning please visit:-

Contact Information:
David A.  Escontrias
Corporate Learning Institute
1195 Summerhill Drive
Lisle, IL 60532

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