One More Girl Unveils Truth behind HPV Vaccine Travesty

Documentary Hailed as Social/Political Statement on Marketing of Global Medical Experiments
Jan. 11, 2011 - PRLog -- Ryan Richardson and brother, David, announce the debut of a special preview of their new documentary, One More Girl  

This provocative film documents the stories of the numerous girls adversely affected by the HPV vaccines – giving these young women and their families a chance to speak out – share their dismay and sense of betrayal for simply believing the pharmaceutical and medical industries were protecting them when marketing HPV vaccines for the prevention of cervical cancer.  Filled with stories of anguish, loss of innocence, guilt on the part of mothers who encouraged their daughter’s to get the vaccine – and financial devastation as families use their hard-earned savings to find a cure for their daughter’s illness, leaving no viewer untouched.  Interviews with mothers whose daughters lost their lives after receiving the vaccine bring tears to your eyes – raising the question of how the marketing of a medical experiment got by the world’s health regulatory agencies.

Donielle Richardson, 18 year old sister of the Richardson brothers was also adversely injured by Gardasil and it was her adverse reaction and long road to recovery that motivated the Richardson family to research other Gardasil injured girls. Their discoveries compelled them to create a documentary powerful enough to prevent this type of travesty from happening to any medical consumer – ever again.

ThinkExist Productions is working in conjunction with two advocacy groups, (  and S.A.N.E.Vax, Inc.  ( to include the history, research, and data both organizations have compiled over the last four years. Combined, the organization’s global networks include concerned activists in 120 countries and every state in the U.S.  In addition to telling the stories of adverse reactions and death, the documentary will also cover the social/political trail of deception over the global mass marketing of the HPV vaccines.

The preview of One More Girl can also be found on Kick Starter – Fund & Follow Creativity is a unique site for film producers and aficionados to preview documentary concepts and donate funds for the completion of the films. This is a new and exciting concept that puts film production back into the hands of the people who appreciate the power of documentary story telling instead of allowing the film industry to determine the nature and content of the message.

One More Girl anticipates the necessary funding will be raised in 90 days and has plans to go into full production the second quarter of 2011.  The documentary release date is tentatively scheduled for the summer of 2012.

ThinkExist Productions,, and SA.N.E.Vax, Inc. plan to market One More Girl globally – and will enter the film into various film festivals. One More Girl promises to be a powerful documentary exposing the truth about HPV vaccines.

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THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
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