Explorer Scouts On North Pole Expedition Face Death, High Adventure And Attack By Eskimo Spirits

The lives of two Eagle Scout’s headed for the 1965 North Pole Expedition are thrown into turmoil when everything seems to go wrong. Coming of age saga with intrigue, adventure, encounters with Eskimo spirits and strong life lessons at every turn.
By: The A3 Society
March 13, 2011 - PRLog -- In 1964, two Eagle Scouts were selected by national competition to accompany Navy explorers on an expedition to the North Pole.  I was one of them.  We were promised it would be another ‘Journey of Discovery’ - a Lewis and Clark adventure across the Northwest Passage.  A Journey of Discovery it was.  But NOT the one of progress and wonder that was promised.  It was a journey into a world of LIES, corruption and incompetence. There was intrigue at every turn. We quickly learned that the mission of the lab, and the future progress of our country was being botched up by administrative bureaucracy! That kind of performance wasn’t consistent with the standards of the Boy Scout Law we knew. We were determined not to let it ruin a whole summer of research for the scientific staff. We went into action!

For two months, we took on every barrier they threw in our faces. We fixed broken tracked vehicles, built boats, turned floating ice into barges, rewired research stations, built bridges - all with scrap we found lying around. But the human obstacles paled in the face of a hidden arctic battle. The water would try to drown us. The animals would try to kill us. The endless day would try to drive us crazy. If we ever let our guard down and were tripped up by any of these, we had to face the ultimate challenge: the spirits of the dead! In the Eskimo world, death is always around every corner. If you make one mistake, the spirits of the dead are right there to steal your body. And, being tenderfeet from the world of “white men”, we wouldn’t have stood a chance without the intervention of Arnaaluk, the Shaman, and a rag-tag group of runaway eccentric geniuses.

Two new novels -- LIARS! Vol. 1: Scout to the Pole; and Vol. 2: Escape to Insanity -- are based on Nappi's experience as one of the Eagle Scouts on the 1965 North Pole Expedition.  They present an epic "Atlas Shrugged" adventure filled philosophical romp through a 3 Stooges run government research world, which challenge the most fundamental beliefs of human culture. Mankind's greatest social institutions:  government, religion, science, education, law, medicine, and even the U.S. Constitution, are challenged.  Over 40 major discoveries are presented that answer many of the most critical unanswered questions of the ages.

About Bruce Nappi

Bruce Nappi is founder and president of the A3 Society and author of the books LIARS!  Vol. 1: Scout to the Pole; and Vol. 2: Escape to Insanity.  An award winning scholar, he graduated from MIT with both Bachelors and Masters degrees in Astronautics ( yes, a true MIT rocket scientist ).  As an engineer and manager, he used his multi-disciplined technical background to develop leading edge products in medicine, optics, production systems, military systems, and automated testing.  His resume is filled with breakthroughs like: the first fully automated system to fabricate dental crowns; fastest DNA sequencing machine in the world (1990); first 512 sensor solid state array for measuring muscle contractions; first infrared fiber optic probe for direct measurement of human blood chemistry; first practical solution for content addressable memory which can speed up computer processing over a thousand times. He is currently Administrative Director for CSESaR, the Center for Simulation Education and Safety Research, University of Florida, College of Medicine, Jacksonville, Florida.

Throughout his career, he was dismayed by repeated failures of society to draw on even a fraction of the technical advances available. He was greatly disturbed that, even with ever-growing technical capabilities, the number of poor and starving kept increasing while great wealth continued to concentrate in the hands of a few. When modern communications opened the door to participative democracy, western governments, waving the banner of democracy, hypocritically established legal barriers to keep government decisions in the hands of special interests and legislative aristocrats. This led to his lifelong quest that produced the discoveries presented in the book series LIARS!  The A3 Society was founded to promote those discoveries through education. His work is summarized online at A3society.org. The books are available at http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/Nappi

Bruce Nappi -  Nanook *at* A3society *dot* org  
Linkedin public profile  http://www.linkedin.com/pub/bruce-nappi/0/13a/975
Twitter  TheRealNanook  
A3society.org   A3societyblog.org
LIARS! Vol. 1: Scout to the Pole  http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/30719
LIARS! Vol. 2: Escape to Insanity  http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/31079

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About the A3 Society: The A3 Society was formed to gather a community of like-minded people to explore the new social structure outlined in the books LIARS! Vol. 1: Scout to the Pole and LIARS! Vol. 2: Escape to Insanity.

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