March 31, 2011 -
PRLog -- Canadians for Genocide Education (CGE), a national coalition composed of 43 associations representing 27 communities is giving its “Educators Award” for 2011 to international jurist Professor Dr. Alfred de Zayas. The presentation will take place on March 31, 2011 as part of CGE’s Genocide Memorial Week Event.
CGE Chair James Kafieh said “Professor de Zayas was selected by CGE because of his demonstrated commitment extending over decades in promoting awareness and understanding of the need to be inclusive and equitable in humanity’s treatment of the subject of genocide. Dr. de Zayas is a true champion for international human rights”.
Dr. de Zayas, BIO- an American lawyer (Harvard) and Historian (Göttingen)
, professor of international law at the Geneva School of Diplomacy, retired senior UN official at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, former Secretary of the UN Human Rights Committee, President of P.E.N. International Centre Suisse Romand. De Zayas has written eight books and devoted his entire career to the pursuit of justice and human rights for all. He has published on the Aborigenes of Australia, the First Nations of North and South America, the Armenians, the Greeks of Pontos and Smyrna, the Greek Cypriots, the Istanbul Pogrom of 1955, ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia, and the expulsion of the ethnic Germans from Central and Eastern Europe 1944-48. He has taught genocide studies at several institutions and is an expert on international criminal law, ethnic cleansing and forced population transfers. He held the Gordon McKay Brown Chair in International Law at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and has lectured in many universities worldwide, including Harvard, Berkeley, Columbia, Oxford, Sorbonne, Strasbourg, Geneva, Zürich, Madrid, Berlin, Kiev, Moscow, Belgrade, Yerevan, Nicosia, Beirut and Tunis. In 2009 he lecteured at the Munk Centre of the University of Toronto and in March 2010 at the University of Waterloo and held the annual CGE lecture in Toronto. Among his books are "Nemesis at Potsdam" (Routledge), "A Terrible Revenge" (Macmillan), "The Genocide against the Armenians" (Haigazian University Press), "United Nations Human Rights Committee Case Law" (N.P.Engel), and “Völkermord als Staatsgeheimnis”
(Olzog, Munich 2011).
The genocide commemoration event will also include a lecture on the the Holodomor: Ukrainian famine-genocide of 1933 by Andrew Gregorovich. The event starts at 7:30pm tonight at the University of Toronto’s Health Sciences Auditorium, Health Sciences Building, 6th floor, 155 College Street, Just West of University Avenue & Queen's Park subway (Northwest exit).
Contact: James Kafieh Tel.: (416) 529-6041 Email: