Metal Cutting Gas - Alternative energy source for cutting,brazing, welding industry

Green all the way; Metal cutting Gas – An alternative energy source for cutting, brazing, welding & heating industry.
April 1, 2011 - PRLog -- Green all the way; Metal cutting Gas – An alternative energy source for cutting, brazing, welding & heating industry.

An effective, safe and alternative source of energy; a revolutionary product addressing the concerns of all the people associated with metal industry from a long time.Brothers Gas  - a company owned by Al Ghurair Trading Group based in Dubai has launched MCG – Metal Cutting Gas a fuel gas that out produces acetylene for cutting, welding, brazing &  heating industry at fraction of the cost.

MCG has been able to address the up most concern ; health & safety of staff directly or indirectly exposed to the hazardous nature of gases emitted during the course of the burning of oxy – acetylene mixture for metal cutting , welding & brazing operations.

A 100 lbs cylinder of MCG provides over 5 times the BTUs of a standard 5 cu.m3 acetylene cylinder while costing less, MCG fuel gas is a with superior high temperature , high heat content.

MCG increases flame temperatures by 15% over straight other fuel gases, reaching flame temperatures of 5400°F with a powerful catalyst creating a hotter flame and more complete combustion. . Comparable to or better than other gases commonly used for flame cutting, flame hardening, stack cutting, sheet metal repair, machine cutting, annealing, aluminum welding, cast iron welding, brazing, heat treating and scarfing

Metal Cutting Gas advantages

   Faster preheat  and piercing rates for cutting.
   Faster cutting travels speeds.
   MCG is capable of cutting travel speed equal to acetylene while using lower quantities of oxygen during cuts , LPG & acetylene and other type of fuel gases not as fast in cutting speed as MCG.
   Reduces slag formation and easier removal.
   Faster heat transfer for brazing, heating, bending, cambering, straightening, hardening and melting operations.
   Safer and operator friendly.
   Non toxic , No Smoke, No Fumes, Safe to use.
   No back fire, shock resistant, cost effective
   Risk of flash ignition is lower in MCG
   Has a lower explosive limit in air and oxygen than acetylene. Hence, has lower band of inflammability than acetylene.
   Lower explosive limits in oxygen & on air

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Brothers Gas Bottling and Distribution Co. LLC – A part of the Al Ghurair Trading Group of Companies - Dubai, was incorporated in 1992. The aim has always been to become the leading provider of LPG in the UAE.

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