British peace delegation heads for Libya to call for an end to the killing

Group of 25 British civilians professionals and observers concerned by threats to civilians in Libya sets off imminently to initiate grassroots peaceful direct diplomacy mission on the ground in Libya.
April 7, 2011 - PRLog -- LONDON - ENGLAND
A twenty-five person peace delegation made up of academics, lawyers, journalists and
professionals will be departing for Libya on 9th April, to call for an immediate ceasefire in
Libya and an end to all hostilities. This is the first half of a two stage process that will
involve reconciliation talks with tribal leaders, government officials and key opposition figures.

After almost three weeks of continual bombing by Coalition forces and heavy fighting in
key cities, countless civilians have lost their lives and there appears to be no end in sight
to the untold suffering of the people. An immediate end to the conflict and the protection
of civilian lives is the aim of this mission.

The Civilians for Peace Delegation will be meeting with key officials and parties to the
conflict and calling for:

1. An immediate ceasefire and an end to hostilities from all sides, including NATO.
2. Immediate peace talks between representatives of government and the opposition.
3. Fair and honest arbitration between the opposing forces.
4. The immediate positioning of credible and impartial International Observers to
monitor a possible ceasefire.
5. Humanitarian corridors to provide Medical assistance, food and water to civilians
in the affected areas.
In addition, the Civilians for Peace delegation will be calling on the African Union to take
a lead role in arbitrating peace and for the United Nations to call an immediate meeting
of the General Assembly to discuss the Libyan situation and the broadening crisis in the

The delegation will be leaving on Saturday 9th April @ 5.45pm from Terminal 4,
Heathrow Airport. There will be a press statement made from Terminal 4 @ 2.30pm and
members of the public are encouraged to attend and to support the delegation.

DELEGATION REPRESENTATIVE: David Paul Roberts - Tel: (+44 7980631255)
SPOKESPERSON: Sukant Chandan - Tel: (+44 7854147868)
MEDIA: Ishmahil Blagrove - Tel: (+44 7958287687)

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Voluntary group of civilians taking concerned action towards peaceful resolution to violence in and on Libya 2011.

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