Radiant Barrier by the Radiant Barrier Site

We will train you and provide you with all of the tools that are necessary to help you earn $80,000 to $120,000 in your first year! Green Energy Sales Consultants are among the few trained professions in the world of Green Energy Sales.
By: Rich Preisig
May 8, 2011 - PRLog -- The Radiant Barrier provides homeowners with the ability to offset their dependency on their power company's electricity by lowering their electric bill by as much as 30%-50%. Simply put, with the government's money and the manufacturer’s discounts and rebates, the homeowner is finally able to permanently lower their power bill.

When you sell the Radiant Barrier http://theRadiantBarrier.com, you’re saving homeowners as much as 25-40% on their power bill. Homeowners reduce wasted energy and are able to lower the electricity bill with no money out of pocket to get started (this many be a limited promotion) and the savings from the energy saving products

When a homeowner gets a home energy consultation, they are immediately made aware of areas in their house that are wasting energy. They are also educated on how to reduce, modify, or replace the areas of their home that most affect their power bill.

Our Company is seeking a sales professional who is ambitious, ethical, intelligent, competitive, self-motivated and prepared to CLOSE DEALS.

Our ideal candidate will have sales experience, but it's not necessary for a quick learner and SMART worker. Experience is NOT required!

If you do not look or conduct yourself as the consummate professional, please do not respond.

We will train you and provide you with all of the tools that are necessary to help you earn $80,000 to $120,000 in your first year!  Green Energy Sales Consultants are among the few trained professions in the world of Green Energy Sales. – Start Your Career and Be Sure to Register for Consideration – http://GreenEnergySalesConsultants.com

Start running appointments and making money in your first week.
You’ll be running all pre-set, pre-qualified appointments. We have over 300 appointments per day to run. No door to door sales!  Internet leads from Lower My Power Bill http://LowerMyPowerBill.com enable homeowners to quickly save money on their power bill and their home becomes more energy efficient.  

The Eco-Solar-Shield™ is a Revolutionary New High Strength Radiant Barrier, Multilayer, Composite Material that forms a Powerful Thermal Reflective Barrier, Blocking Heat in the summer, and Capturing it in the Winter.  Eco Solar Shield Reviews reveal top quality product, customer services, installation and overall savings.

No other insulation product on the market today compares to Eco-Solar-Shield's™ efficiency, energy savings, or environmentally friendly qualities.

Though thin and lightweight, It stops 97% of radiant heat transfer and, according to Department of Energy studies, adding this #1 Rated Radiant Barrier called Eco-Solar-Shield™ to existing insulation in your home provides more energy savings than installing an additional 12 inches of traditional fiberglass insulation.


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Lower My Power Bill was designed to cut the power bill for millions of Floridians while Obama supports this effort with a 30%-50% tax credit.

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