Dr. Laurie Roth Announces Run For President

Dr. Laurie Roth,PhD, well known political talk show host, has been encouraged to explore the possibility of a run for the Presidency.
July 13, 2011 - PRLog -- Dr. Laurie Roth of Elk WA, a national radio talk show host for over 10 years, has decided to seriously explore running for President of the United States.  Of note, she is a survivor of a near fatal motorcycle wreck in August 2005.   Her comeback story could also be the comeback story of America.  She has said publicly, “I know this will be like climbing up Mt. Everest in a bikini with no oxygen as far as difficulty, but, I love my country and believe I have the right ideas at the right time…..not political, not legal, and not international but boldly American and freedom loving”.

Being a national radio talk show host and original thinker, Roth would need to run independently as a Conservative.   Laurie is currently in the process of collecting the necessary signatures to qualify for a Presidential run.

Laurie will have two books released in July 2011.   The first, ‘The Peoples President’ tells in ten ‘easy to read’ chapters, what Laurie’s vision is, what she believes in and what she would do to fix and inspire America.  Roth’s views are not a mystery on her radio show or in her published articles.  The second book will be,”Two Minute Warning,”  which addresses America’s compromised condition and a strategic recovery.

Some of her Platform ideas include:

·         Two percent Consumption (point of purchase) Tax.  And the eradication of all other taxes,  including the ones most familiar to voters;  Income Tax,  Payroll Tax,  Capital Gains Tax,  Gas Tax,  Property Tax and Estate Tax.  If no categories were exempt, and all taxed, $10-20 trillion dollars a year would be available for the Federal Budget. This would easily accomplish Roth’s stated goals:  Take care of US citizens. Get completely out of debt. Put American priorities back in the forefront.

·         Energy Independence.  Gather leaders from all fields and types of energy,  oil, natural gas,  Nuclear fission and fusion,  alternative fuels and solar.  Establish an aggressive plan to become energy independent in 4-6 years.  Disconnect from OPEC.

·         Secure Borders.  Stop $200 billion per year drug traffic. Stop people from entering our country illegally.

·         Create Jobs. Implement energy and transportation infrastructure projects in the U.S. and provide appropriate Federal Funding.  Also, create jobs by reigning in regulation, taxation and litigation.

Dr. Laurie Roth is exploring running as “The Peoples President” because she is a Mom, survivor and a national radio talk show host who knows the issues.  Roth says, “We have seen what the Politicians, millionaires and lawyers can do, perhaps a real person can do better.”  She is, “of the people, by the people, for the people.”


Exploratory Committee Coordinator: Sheryl McGrath

Email:  sherylmcgrath@comcast.net

Cell phone:  509-939-5673


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