Powerful Christian movie will tell the remarkable story of atomic bomb survivor Takashi Nagai

Major Oak Entertainment Ltd, is seeking Christian help for its latest project, a feature length movie on the life of Christian convert, atomic bomb survivor and dedicated peace-activist, Takashi Nagai .
Sept. 15, 2011 - PRLog -- Major Oak Entertainment Ltd, is seeking Christian help for its latest project, a feature length movie on the life Christian convert, atomic bomb survivor and dedicated peace-activist, Takashi Nagai .

“All that Remains”, is the story of a dedicated doctor and a scientist who is forced to turn to God in the aftermath of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, when he must face the responsibility of being be a father and a teacher, not just to his two young children – who have been left in his care, but to an orphaned nation, sick and debilitated by war.

Major Oak Entertainment’s first feature film “Finding Fatima”, is currently picking up rave reviews. But they have found potential financial backers for their new movie have wanted to compromise too much with the telling of the story and their demands were diluting the message at the heart of the movie – and that message is about the transformational power of faith.  So, taking a leap of faith themselves, Ian and Dominic Higgins, the film’s directors and producer Joel Fletcher decided to turn to the very people that they intend to make the film for – Christians.

They launched their first “crowd funding” campaign two months ago and as word got around the donations and support came rolling in.

“We are overwhelmed by the response we've had in terms of donations and support for the project. The generosity has been incredible- a lot of people are waiting for this film to be made”, Said Dominic Higgins.

“We’re not asking for people to give vast amounts of money, far from it, a little bit can go a long way if enough people pledge their support”, explains Ian Higgins. “For $15 you can see your name on the end credits of the movie, donate more and you could become a credited film producer.”

“Dr Nagai was a man who went in search of the truth, and as filmmakers it is our duty to stay true to his story, even if means saying no to the money men”, says Dominic.

“We’ve spent a year of our lives researching and developing this movie, and in that period of time we have developed a real passion to tell the story of this remarkable man, and we want him to be watching down upon us, nodding his head in approval”, adds Ian.

Major Oak Entertainment got its inspiration for raising the necessary funds to complete their movie after hearing several success stories from filmmakers using sites such as KickStarer.com and indiegogo.com.

“We thought, if it worked for these guys, it could work for us too”, explains Dominic, “and it seemed very apt for our movie, after all, the subject of our film is the power of faith”.

Using the “crowd funding” technique, Ian and Dominic have already managed to raise the necessary funds to film all the interviews in Japan for the documentary aspect of the movie and are now hopeful they will be able to raise the budget needed for the drama sequences.

Synopsis of All That Remains:

All That Remains will be a powerful docu-drama telling the remarkable story of Dr. Takashi Nagai, a survivor of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, Christian convert and dedicated peace activist. His story is a dramatic and inspiring testament to the power of faith in the most extreme of circumstances. Indeed, many have petitioned that he be made a saint, and now it seems Dr. Nagai may soon be declared “blessed” by the church, which is the first step to sainthood.

Takashi Nagai was a Japanese doctor and sceptical man of science whose passion for the pursuit of truth led him to undertake a dramatic conversion to Christianity at a time when Western religious beliefs were especially discouraged in Japan. On the 9th of August 1945, he found himself amongst the survivors of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, where this newfound faith was to be tested in the most extreme of circumstances.

With his beloved wife one of the 70,000 killed instantly, he was left with no choice but to fulfil his duty as a doctor, tending to the multitude of wounded and dying all around him, while struggling to make sense of his own loss and the responsibility he now faced for his two children.

It would be his faith that would guide him back to Atom bombed Nagasaki, and it would be this faith that would inspire him to stay there and help rebuild a city from rubble and ash.
He would dedicate the rest of his short life to promoting world peace through his work as a writer. His first book was “The Bells Of Nagasaki”, it went on to become a bestseller though out Japan, as a nation, defeated and demoralised by war, re-discovered through his words, the healing of power of love.

Dr. Takashi Nagai died in May, 1951 of Leukaemia brought on by prolonged exposure to radiation.

He left behind two children, a 10 year old son, Makoto and a 5 year old daughter, Kayano. But he also left behind a huge collection of books, articles and personal notes, addressed to his children and to God. Through these words, the spirit of Takashi Nagai continues to live, but sadly, his story is fast fading into the obscurity of forgotten history.
The telling:

This year will mark the 60th anniversary of Dr. Takashi Nagai’s death, and although now almost forgotten, his story remains as relevant today as it ever was.
Directed by Ian and Dominic Higgins (The 13th Day, Finding Fatima), All That Remains will be a “hybrid” feature film and documentary that will utilize state of the art special effects, live-action dramatic reconstructions and computer generated animation, alongside candid and intimate interviews with friends and family of Dr. Nagai, as well as other survivors of the atomic bombing, in order to take our audience on a personal journey alongside Dr. Nagai, as he embarks on his life changing quest for “the ultimate truth”.

The filmmakers will be working closely with leading authorities on Dr. Nagai and the history of Nagasaki including, the University of Nagasaki, his grace Archbishop Joseph Mitsuaki Takami and Fr. Paul Glynn, author of the acclaimed biography on Dr. Nagai, “A Song for Nagasaki”.

The official Facebook page for the movie is:


Visit http://www.majoroakentertainment.com for more information.

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Major Oak Entertainment Ltd is an Independent film production company based in the UK that specialises in creating faith-based entertainment.
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