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Follow on Google News | Orlando, Florida Team Combat wins the Mizuno Championship III NIT 11 and Under Open Tournament.Tournament was held at the Sleepy Hollow Recreation Complex in Leesburg, Florida and sanctioned by USSSA.
By: J Dicks One of the main sources of building teamwork and character has always been youth sports. Team combat is part of The Central Florida Baseball Academy (CFBA); the CFBA helps in developing positive character traits and a keen understanding of the sport of baseball through the Combat 11U baseball team. CFBA’s Combat 11U team for the 2011-2012 is dedicated to teaching all participants a commitment to lifetime fundamentals, both on and off the field. The program begins with a top-level travel ball coach, and includes players and committed parents who understand that it takes one big family to create a winning team both on and off the field. CFBA doesn’t simply teach the basic fundamentals, they teach the game of baseball. The academy provides each player with year-round instruction and quality coaching from experienced professionals and strives to instill a strong sense of sportsmanship and teamwork in each player, while learning to become successful in the fundamentals of baseball. If you’d like more information about this very special program, e-mail the CFBA at # # # James Dicks is the president and CEO of a growing network of international companies. Mr. Dicks has built the Premiere Companies on Technology with a vision and work ethic instilled by the United States Marines. End
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