Emergo Group to host free webinars on Brazilian and Japanese medical device regulatory processWebinars will cover medical device approval and quality system requirements in the Brazilian and Japanese markets.
By: Stewart Eisenhart Although Brazil and Japan represent two of the world’s largest medical device markets, regulatory requirements for commercialization in these countries can prove challenging for foreign manufacturers. Emergo Group’s webinars will provide information on the ANVISA medical device registration process in Brazil, and the PMDA medical device approval and certification process in Japan. Quality management system issues including Brazilian Good Manufacturing Practices and Japan’s MHLW Ordinance #169 requirements will also be covered in the Emergo Group webinars, as well as device classification, authorized representation and other relevant topics. Webinar dates and registration instructions can be found below: How to Get a Medical Device Approved for Sale in Brazil September 27, 2011 11:00am CST Register here The Medical Device Approval Process in Japan October 18, 2011 11:00am CST Register here About Emergo Group Emergo Group is a global medical device consulting firm providing a wide range of services for device registration, QMS compliance, clinical trial management, in-country representation, reimbursement and distributor search consulting. Additional Information Stewart Eisenhart Regulatory Editor, Emergo Group se@emergogroup.com +1.512.327.9997 Photo: https://www.prlog.org/ End