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Follow on Google News | Open Letter To Governor Jerry BrownUnited States Solder SGT. Hashim M. Bomani offers recommendations to Governor Jerry Brown. LA Board of Supervisors are inadaquate to lead and Commisioner Robert B. Axel of the Norwalk Superior Court is incompotent and a drain on Taxpayer Dollars
By: HASHIM THE DREAM It is my hope that this correspondence finds you in the best of health, wealth and prosperity. All Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors have proven inadequate to lead. They have looked the other way while fraud and corruption is right under their noses. They have proven unresponsive and shiftless to complaints of collusion and violations of the Public’s Trust. They have purposefully failed to provide over-sight of the Los Angeles County Child Support Services Department, the Los Angeles County Probation Department and the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services. In that, over 70 children have died at the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services and just recently it has been proven that in-mates in the Los Angeles County Jails are enduring inhumane treatment and being beaten to death by Deputies. All because the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors are both negligent and inadequate to lead. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors continue to waste taxpayer dollars by over-looking gross incompetence by Judicial Representatives like Commissioner Robert B. Axel in Department Z of the Norwalk Superior Court. Commissioner Robert B. Axel has shown serious deficits in his ability to compute very basic Mathematical Computations. Commissioner Robert B. Axel is easily suggestible, in that, County Attorney Phillip S. Spaber has been observed using the “Jedi Mind Trick” on Commissioner Robert B. Axel, thus causing Commissioner Robert B. Axel to suspend rational thought and mental autonomy. Commissioner Robert B. Axel has time and again proven that he is not mentally and/or intellectually fit to sit on the bench and rule on behalf of the State of California. According to the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Mathematical Standards, Commissioner Robert B. Axel is operating at Far Below Basic (FBB) in Mathematical Computation and Reading Comprehension, his inability to Comprehend what he reads is very noticeable when he detaches from reality, by going off on irrelevant tangents and engages in rambling rants about unrelated issues that have no bearing on the documents presented before him. In that, on several occasions Commissioner Robert B. Axel has been observed rambling and being totally aloof during court proceedings. For example, on October 12, 2011, Commissioner Robert B. Axel had a noticeable flat affect; he appeared confused, disoriented, hallucinatory and oblivious to legal procedures and citizen’s rights. Commissioner Robert B. Axel has made irrational rulings in case number VD065587, WILSON v BOMANI which clearly and absolutely demonstrate that Commissioner Robert B. Axel is no longer competent to represent the Los Angeles Superior Court as Commissioner. Due to the fact that Commissioner Robert B. Axel has shown noticeable signs of senility, it is recommended that he be relieved of his duties as Commissioner and encouraged to enter into early retirement. It is further recommended that all Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors be voted out of office for dereliction of their duties and perpetrating leadership fraud on the citizens of Los Angeles Thank you for your time and consideration should you have further inquiry concerning the above mentioned matters please feel free to contact me at (310) 710-3848 Sincerely, SGT. Hashim M. Bomani C: PRESIDENT OBAMA SECRETARY OF STATE HILARY R. CLENTON SECRETARY OF DEFENCE LEON E. PANETTA SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL SENATOR HARRY REID SENATOR DIANNE FEINSTEIN SENATOR BARBARA BOXER CONGRESSMAN JOHN BOEHNER REPRESENTATIVE LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD MAYOR ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA CALIFORNIA MASONIC MEMORIAL TEMPLE DOWNEY UNITED MASONIC LODGE #220 CALIFORNIA COMMISSION ON JUDICUAL PERFORMANCE SUPERVISOR GLORIA MOLINA SUPERVISOR MICHAEL D. ANTONOVICH SUPERVISOR MARK RIDLEY-THOMAS SUPERVISOR ZEV YAROSLAVSKY PUBLIC INTEGRITY DIVISION LOS ANGELES CITY ETHICS COMISSION ATTORNEY GENERAL LOS ANGELES TIMES CREW FBI NAACP NOI ACLU End
Page Updated Last on: Oct 13, 2011