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Follow on Google News | Occupy Wall Street Supported by the A3 SocietyOccupy Wall Street has a big job to do - fix broken governments around the world. The A3 Society, founded on breakthrough discoveries that provide solutions for EXACTLY this task, is providing support to the project.
By: Bruce Nappi The basic structures that characterize current western democracies emerged from beliefs that tried to explain an environment very different from what we now have. That environment was characterized by: low population, a primitive agricultural economy, mostly isolated communities, and a wealth of natural resources. Society had models for science, nature and humanity based on religious beliefs. The purpose and conduct of life were largely defined in religious terms. The principles: Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, Freedom of Religion, Speech, Assembly, Right to Bear Arms, Family, and Marriage were also defined by the beliefs of those times. Economies were local, and mostly confined to personal subsistence. The Renaissance brought an explosion of challenges to the religious interpretations of all of these principles. This splintered the Christian world and produced an upheaval in governance, pulling control away from the Pope and establishing independent countries and religions across Europe under the control of kings. Philosophy went into turmoil. Academics scrambled to re-explain the world, the behavior of humans, and the meaning of morality. In the middle of this turmoil, a handful of English colonies in a "new world" launched a bold experiment to free themselves from Authoritarianism, Aristocracy and Religious Doctrine: a government, OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE. Time, however, was rapidly accelerating. Population grew around the globe. The industrial revolution brought power tools, automation, chemistry, electronics, high speed world wide transportation, and instantaneous world wide communications. In just ONE CENTURY, these new technologies so drastically boosted humanity's ability to affect the planet, that we are now facing limits for most of our natural resources. World population is now greater than the planet can sustain, and impending climate changes are expected to disrupt world wide food supplies. YET, these awesome new capabilities are still being directed by government structures designed to govern a much more simple world. In two new books, scientist, engineer and philosopher Bruce Nappi presents breakthrough concepts that expand the discoveries of the world's greatest thinkers to include modern knowledge and combine them into an integrated system. The new system leads directly to new governing structures that Occupy Wall Street can implement to repair the breakdown in current democracy. Contact The books are described at – Books They are available in print at WordClay or as ebooks at Smashwords Reach Bruce Nappi, directly by email: Nanook *at* A3society *dot* org About Bruce Nappi Explorer, philosopher and Jacksonville, Florida author, Bruce Nappi, has just released two volumes of his new book series LIARS! The books present over 40 major discoveries that answer many of the most critical unanswered questions of the ages, including why we have so much chaos and strife in modern society. Difficult psychological and philosophical discoveries are explained using common language in a readable, exciting novel format. The discoveries affect every part of our culture, making the books valuable reading for everyone who seeks understanding and improvement for today's society. The books -- LIARS! Vol. 1: Scout to the Pole; and Vol. 2: Escape to Insanity -- are based on Nappi's experience as one of the Eagle Scouts on the 1965 North Pole Expedition. They present an "Atlas Shrugged" philosophical romp through a 3 Stooges run government research world, challenging the most fundamental beliefs of human culture. The coming of age saga is filled with true-life adventures expanded by the insights of 40 years in the rough and tumble world of high tech business intrigue. A life threatening climax in volume 2 finally creates a setting to pull together the wisdom and lay out a broad and comprehensive explanation for many of the problems modern society is searching to understand. About the A3 Society The A3 Society was formed to gather a community of like-minded people to implement the 40+ scientific, philosophical and social breakthroughs presented in the books LIARS! Vol. 1: Scout to the Pole and LIARS! Vol. 2: Escape to Insanity. Contact: Bruce Nappi A3 Society 3832 Baymeadows Rd. Suite 164 Jacksonville, FL 32217 339-222-8467 End