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Follow on Google News | Attorney John Phillips Settles Cases for Clients Who Were Victims of DUI Wreck for $1 Million(Names Withheld) were simply a couple enjoying life's quiet moments sitting at a red light. They were recklessly and carelessly rear-ended by a drunk driver. They turned to attorney John Phillips, who settled their cases for over $1 Million.
By: Eclectic Media Productions They didn't know where to turn, but found attorney John Phillips and hired him. John M. Phillips visited the victims in Shands Hospital, advising them and trying to help them find smiles despite the pain as (Name Withheld) was bed ridden for 16 days at the hands of a DUI driver. (Name Withheld) ultimately had a 4 level fusion of the thoracic spine, a procedure where the back is held together with rods and screws and bone is harvested to attempt to cement the levels together. (Name Withheld) was not as seriously injured, although she was in Shands Hospital for 3 days. Both were undergoing all new stresses and physical limitations after the wreck. "The stress, the loss of work, restrictions and dependency are often worse than the injuries themselves," The Defendant, (Name Withheld) was found guilty Clay County of misdemeanor DUI despite the fact the injuries warranted a felony charge. Defendants felt that justice was not served, as (name withheld) served no jail time after release. Fortunately, (name withheld) had insurance on his commercial vehicle involved in the crash and Lawyer John Phillips settled (name withheld)'s case for $1,000,000 on October 10, 2011 and (name withheld)'s case for $75,000 the same day. No trial was necessary and closure was quick- less than 2 months. "Litigation is stressful and expensive. So many lawyers are cliche and say they "fight" for clients. Abraham Lincoln once said, 'Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. As a peacemaker, the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough,'" Phillips quoted, "but I believe that most times it is in the client's best interest to resolve a case fairly and quickly and force insurance carriers into reasonable decision making. I love the fight of court, but television advertising lawyers are in the habit of sensationalizing with puffery. Most haven't personally gone to court in years." Phillips went on to state that other lawyers his client's met with evaluated the case at $500,000 or so and said it'd take years to resolve. Phillips doubled that offer and settled both cases within two months. It involved having his client telling his story on Phillips' radio show, using a full color demand package and working daily to keep pressure on the Defendant and his carrier. He also credited the carrier and its attorney. "It was an extraordinary result," Phillips admitted, "but what is the value of health? (Name Withheld) will never be the same because of that careless drunk driver. I just hope the Defendant learned a lesson along the way." Phillips is the founding partner of the Law Office of John M. Phillips and it is found at He is licensed in Florida, Georgia and Alabama. End
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