Avoiding High Frequency Trading Landmines in New Asset Classes at High Frequency Trading Conference

High Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Singapore, preeminent High Frequency Trading conference Organized by Golden Networking and Featured on The New York Times, Bloomberg, Reuters, Forbes and The Wall Street Journal
By: Golden Networking
Oct. 27, 2011 - PRLog -- " Avoiding High Frequency Trading Landmines in New Asset Classes" is the topic of one of the panels to be presented at High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum Singapore, “How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World”, November 21-23, SGX Centre. High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum is the most influential speed trading conference series that Golden Networking, partnering with information leader UltraHighFrequencyTrading.com, brings to hundreds of equities, FX, futures and derivatives practitioners and industry professionals in the world’s most important financial capitals, with the most up-to-date and enlightening review of critical issues and challenges for high-frequency and algorithmic traders.

Golden Networking’s High Frequency Trading Leaders Forum has been praised by speakers and attendees and featured by The New York Times, Bloomberg, Reuters, Forbes and The Wall Street Journal. That’s because Golden Networking delivers the most up-to-date overview of cutting-edge developments and insights to build a competitive advantage in high-frequency trading to investors and traders. The outline for this panel includes the following talking points:

•   Takeaways from the Most Developed High-Frequency Trading Markets
•   Review of High-Frequency Trading of New Asset Classes
•   Where the Opportunities and Pitfalls Lie in Cross-Asset Trading

High Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Singapore is produced by Golden Networking (http://www.goldennetworking.net), the premier networking community for business executives, entrepreneurs and investors. Upcoming Golden Networking's Forums and Business Receptions include:
•   High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour London (http://hfthappyhourlondon.eventbrite.com), November 3, London
•   Hedge Funds Happy Hour New York (http://www.hfhappyhour.com), November 8, New York City
•   High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour New York (http://www.hfthappyhour.com), November 8, New York City
•   The Speed Traders Workshop 2011 Singapore, "The Present and Future of High-Frequency Trading" (http://thespeedtradersworkshopsingapore.eventbrite.com), November 13, Singapore
•   High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Singapore, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://hftleadersforumsingapore.eventbrite.com), November 13-15, Singapore
•   High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour Hong Kong (http://hfthappyhourhongkong.eventbrite.com), November 24, Hong Kong
•   High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour Singapore (http://hfthappyhoursingapore.eventbrite.com), November 24, Singapore
•   The Speed Traders Workshop 2011 Hong Kong, "The Present and Future of High-Frequency Trading" (http://thespeedtradersworkshophk.eventbrite.com), December 12, Hong Kong
•   High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Hong Kong , "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://hftleadersforumhongkong.eventbrite.com), December, 12-14, Hong Kong
•   The Speed Traders Workshop 2011 Sao Paulo, "The Present and Future of High-Frequency Trading" (http://thespeedtradersworkshopsaopaulo.eventbrite.com), February 1, 2012, Sao Paulo
•   High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Sao Paulo, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://hftleadersforumsaopaulo.eventbrite.com), February 1-3, 2012, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Golden Networking has been frequently featured in the press, including recent articles in The Wall Street Journal, "Happy Hour for High-Frequency Trading", The New York Times, "Golden Networking Helps Job Seekers Make Overseas Connections", Los Angeles Times, "Speed-addicted traders dominate today's stock market" and Reuters, "Revamp looms as trading experts huddle at SEC".

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Golden Networking is the premier networking community for business executives, entrepreneurs and professionals, to experience what is new and next. They are treated to exclusive industry-wide Leaders and Experts Forums, Experts Workshops, Business Receptions and Professional Nights, which have been featured in the business and financial press

Golden Networking provides company owners and business executives a platform to expand their firms' revenues through networking, introduction to key players and sponsorship of our functions. There is virtually no individual or company in any industry or country in the world that can't be reached through Golden Networking's extensive Rolodex, aptly referred as America's Ultimate Networker organization

Golden Networking's functions draw hundreds of high-level attendees who cannot afford to miss these very selective learning and networking opportunities

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