SGM Metals: Central Bank Gold Buying up 550% Y/Y!

In light of Bernanke telling Ron Paul that central banks purchase gold simple as tradition and nothing more, it seems that banks are increasing their traditions by a staggering 550% Y/Y. The tradition is when fiat currencies fail gold reigns supreme.
By: SGM Metals * The Elemental Economist
Dec. 12, 2011 - PRLog -- [How safe is the Dollar?

   The focus for months has been all about the next nation in Europe that will ruin investors, so they run from all assets, including gold and silver, to the “safety” of the dollar.
   Unfortunately, the fundamentals couldn’t be any worse for the US Dollar. The national debt has topped $15 trillion, with the deficit over $1.4 trillion. The time is quickly approaching when interest payments could overwhelm the government’s ability to meet obligations.
   Money printing has been the historical “solution” to this problem. Lighten up on the dollar while everybody is running to it. The economy is stagnant and the debt is beyond payment. Printing is their answer. Gold should be yours!

Silver Chart

   I consider silver the best investment you can make right now. Note how the weekly MACD bottomed in October of 2008 when silver was trading in the $8-9 range, it topped with silver touching almost $50.
   Buy physical silver. I am projecting $150 per ounce, within a timeframe of two years. ]

Well there you have it. Finally someone who sees the corporate media and their bought and paid for message they force feed to the people of the world to steer the money toward the people who sign the checks, Wall Street. It has made me sick for years that the trusted media would tell you to buy stocks while the market is crashing or convince you that there is no housing bubble, even while it was imploding. Worse still is that the population of the the world today seems to be sheepish enough not to think for themselves and are willing to continue to watch their portfolios destroyed by the advice from these ‘market experts’ without and willingness to make a change. Based on that I guess you get what you deserve and you can’t save everyone so my focus is on those who are looking for a solution. The people who are truly looking for a solution are the people like YOU who are seeking out alternative media and alternative mindsets such as the educational information found here on

The trend of herding the sheep into the stock & bond market is as clear as ever and you must choose to do something about it in order to break away from the herd itself to obtain alternative results. We know that the ‘fear trade’ does just that, it is meant to scare investors away in a herd and into what they tell you is the safer alternative. This happens to be where the ‘market experts’ lie in wait for you to buy their stock and raise the buy price of the investment so that they can sell at the higher price leaving you holding the bag when their massive sale snaps the price downward and you are stuck. They then tell you this is the market volatility causing your losses and you then anxiously wait for them to tell you where to move your money next, and the cycle continues. The concerning part is that this is not a new trend and unfortunately it will continue but now that you can identify it you can use it to your advantage and keep yourself from ever getting sucked into the panicked herd ever again.

The great news is that since the truth is starting to surface thanks to the Dodd/Frank regulatory reform, what was supposedly a $787 billion banker bailout was actually a $7.77 TRILLION bailout (some estimates are as high as $15 TRILLION), you can use this as your underlying principle to direct your capital accordingly. Know that overlooking the short term ‘trading opportunities’ the big picture should be your focal point based on the fact that tens of trillions if not hundreds of trillions of new fiat monies have been secretly created and will ultimately destroy the purchasing power of the paper money. The rush to precious metals will be a huge tidal wave that surely will protect your purchasing power if you get there first but will also become an engine of wealth creation as the value of your gold & silver skyrocket when the tidal wave surges and the inflationary threat can no longer be hidden by the fudged economic data and reassuring media talking heads. Notice the HUGE surge in the gold buying by the central banks. . . . do you think they know what you have read in this article? Rest assured they do and you might want to follow their lead, they aren’t the richest people in the world for no reason. This chart proves that Ben ‘Helicopter’ Bernanke wasn’t being truthful when he told Ron Paul that central banks only buy gold ‘because of tradition’. They buy it because history proves that NO govt./central bank tag team has ever successfully inflated away their debt without destroying their currency and wiping away the wealth of the nation’s citizens. This time won’t be any different and the sooner you come to terms with this immutable law of economics the sooner you get out of the herd and begin to sleep good at night as you don’t care what idiotic solutions are offered. Triple digit silver and gold prices starting with a “3” are coming if we don’t print another US dollar, but I’m sure the FED will print one or two more.

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SGM Metals strives to offer not only wealth preservation precious metals investments to offset weakness in the economy, but to help educate our family of clients to better identify the threats to their financial security.
Source:SGM Metals * The Elemental Economist
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Tags:Gold, Silver, SGM Metals, Elemental Economist, Federal Reserve, Ron Paul, Bernanke, Europe, US, Dollar, Stock, Bonds, eu
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Location:Palm Beach Gardens - Florida - United States
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