Hebrew Verb Flashcard Program Released for Kindle, Nook and Other E-Readers

A new flashcard program has been released for the Kindle and other e-readers for learning Hebrew verbs. Over 120 high frequency verbs are taught using visual prompts.
By: Blair Kasfeldt
Biblical Hebrew Visual Verb Flashcards
Biblical Hebrew Visual Verb Flashcards
Dec. 20, 2011 - PRLog -- Learning Biblical Hebrew verbs has become easier with the new flashcard program for the Kindle and other e-readers, "Biblical Hebrew: Visual Verb Flashcards!".

A new release from the author of "Biblical Hebrew: Vocabulary Made Easy!", Blair Kasfeldt.  This e-book flashcard program covers verbs that occur in the Hebrew text 100 or more times.  Each verb is displayed in large Hebrew font, with a visual prompt to help memorize each vocabulary word along with the definition.

According to the author, this approach helps maintain interest in learning, which, in itself, must help encode the information. Blair Kasfeldt states, "If there is no focus on the material being presented, the information will not be retained. According to Aristotle and other ancients, man cannot think without imagery. Hence I think this new ebook series will be a welcomed boon to Hebrew students."

Mr. Kasfeldt has stated that this will be a series entitled, "Biblical Hebrew: Visual Flashcards," that will cover high frequency verbs and nouns.

This ebook is now available for purchase on Smashwords for E-Readers at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/114907

For more information about Blair Kasfeldt's work or for contact information, please contact him at http://blairkasfeldt.weebly.com

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Freelance writer, author and copywriter. Specializing in Christian theology and memory helps, or "mnemonics."
Source:Blair Kasfeldt
Email:***@10commandmentsforkids.com Email Verified
Tags:Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew Vocabulary, Vocabulary Builder, Mnemonics, Ebook
Industry:Education, Religion, Electronics
Location:Fort Wayne - Indiana - United States
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