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Follow on Google News | Professional Photography Consultant, Selina Maitreya, Interviews Social Media Guru, Rosh SillarsFree Teleseminar - February 6th at 4pm EST - The Ever Changing World Of Social Media
By: Selina Maitreya "I am committed to helping all photographers build a business that will THRIVE and this is yet another step toward that purpose," states Ms. Maitreya. During this call, listeners will be invited to explore: * The Solar System Equation: Rosh's explanation of how and why social media truly works * Which social media tools are hot, and what's not * Why more photographers are going onto Google plus * What you can do to improve your SEO * How to Prioritize your Social Media presence and tasks * How Social media effects your earning potential Interested parties are asked to register at Considered to be one of the top consultants to photographers on the topic of social media, Rosh Sillars is the co-author of the book: The Linked Photographers' Guide to Online Marketing and Social Media and has just returned from Australia where he shared his knowledge with photographers. Host and Photographer mentor and portfolio consultant, Selina Maitreya works with photographers world wide helping them to develop their vision into a competitive visual product. She builds sales and marketing programs with her clients in order for them to build businesses that thrive. She is the author of "How to Succeed in Commercial Photography: Registration is required to attend this free event. End
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